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  1. guinness26

    anenome lighting

    dennis thanks for the idea but i aint looking to spend a grand on sure there great but i can do without the clams if thats what i need...can anyone else come up with a cheaper solution? thanks
  2. guinness26

    lighting question

    thanks u r basically saying i might as well upgrade if i want a healthy reef tank?man i wish i still had my 125...i feel like im so limited with a 55..but ill make the best of it and imsure there is alot i can do with it..i thought it would be cheaper to maintain but a 125 fowlr is def...
  3. guinness26

    cycling a tank

    u dont need a fish u just need something to create waste and fish poop is waste..but u can also use cocktail shrimp to make that waste..i guess if u have enough lr the die off creates waste..but my rock was from my old tank and the rock has been out of water for about a week so i dont think its...
  4. guinness26

    Need Your Thoughts...Last fish

    i love the hawaiian black..a lfs always had one but he was huge and cost an arm and a leg..but if u have a dark trigger already then u might wanna mix it up a little bit...tough decision. good luck
  5. guinness26

    cycling a tank

    i know that water isnt good enough to cycle a tank but i just got it to help start things i said the last tank i had was a 125 and im not sure how i cycled it but i had it running great for about 3 years with no i know something about the hobby..just never had a small...
  6. guinness26

    12gal nano

    hey i have a 12gal nano that im setting up this week..i use to have it for small seahorses but i moved and had to give them back..but im ready to set it up is a nano cube..i just tested the pump and it broke so im ordering a new pump for an 80gph pump good enough for a 12 gal...
  7. guinness26

    anenome lighting

    hey lion crazz..i once had a fuzzy lion..they are really cool..are they reef safe?
  8. guinness26

    anenome lighting

    also i never was able to get any inverts so im pretty new to them too..what should i get? how many snails and hermit crabs? maybe a small starfish and some shrimp? i really like the porcelain crabs. How long should i wait to get them? After the cycle is done?Thaks alot to eveyone who helps.
  9. guinness26

    anenome lighting

    ok cool thanks..i will check them out...yeah im not getting any coral or anything delicate for a few gonna make sure im fully cycled and stabilized before i get anything like in no rush..i always had agressive large tanks..not to sure what to get for a 55gal community...
  10. guinness26

    anenome lighting

    ok thanks thats all i needed to know..well not really., I have no experience in lighting so can someone help me out with the bare minimum(cheapest) lighting i need for an anenome and maybe a clam and some coral. Like what wattage do i need? I have a 55gal tank..THanks alot
  11. guinness26

    anenome lighting

    do anenomes need special lighting? I have a flourescent fixture can i buy a certain tube for them or do i need MH? Thanks.. PS i dont have an anemome yet so dont worry, just trying to get some info before i buy.
  12. guinness26

    cycling a tank

    ok many cocktail shrimp needed for a 55 gal?
  13. guinness26

    cycling a tank

    Hi i have had a 125 gal tank for a few years but recently moved and just set up a 55gallon today. I have about 30lbs of LR from my old tank and about 50lbs of ls(the bagged kind). I used some of that cycled water u buy at the store also..I forget how i cycled my 125 but i think i just had large...
  14. guinness26

    lighting question

    thanks..i actually have been a member here for years but moved about 6 months ago and had to get rid of my 125gal due to the weight of it cause i moved to a condo on the 7th i setup a 55gal. And i forgot my username and since then have a new email so i had to get a new account here...
  15. guinness26

    lighting question

    Hi i have had many FOWLR tanks in my life but never had anything that required special lighting. I would like to have some coral and maybe clams or something. I have a 55gal tank that i just started today. I have a flourescent fixture is there any bulbs i can get to use for corals or do i need a...