cycling a tank


New Member
Hi i have had a 125 gal tank for a few years but recently moved and just set up a 55gallon today. I have about 30lbs of LR from my old tank and about 50lbs of ls(the bagged kind). I used some of that cycled water u buy at the store also..I forget how i cycled my 125 but i think i just had large hardy fish in there to cycle it.. Can i do the damsel cycle or should i go with the cocktail shrimp method..any new idead on cycling? Thanks


Active Member
Dont use the fish method.
Just because they can survive a cycle does not mean they dont like it.
The shrimp method is fine, once your amm levels spike take the shrimp out and wait about two weeks or so at least untill your ammonia and nitrite leves are zero.

matt b

Active Member
im cycling a 55 and a 75 as well and im just gonna let the rock and sand be in there for a month to cycle it ive done it this way in the past and worked great

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
Not sure on the shrimp amount, i would suggest two
whats the point of the shrimp dose it just speed things up???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Guinness26
Hi i have had a 125 gal tank for a few years but recently moved and just set up a 55gallon today. I have about 30lbs of LR from my old tank and about 50lbs of ls(the bagged kind). I used some of that cycled water u buy at the store also..I forget how i cycled my 125 but i think i just had large hardy fish in there to cycle it.. Can i do the damsel cycle or should i go with the cocktail shrimp method..any new idead on cycling? Thanks
I strongly suggest you do some reading, searching this forum and the links at the top of the "New Hobbyist" section would be a good place to start. A good understanding of the nitrogen cycle is vital for success. BTW, the water you buy isn't "cycled". The LR, substrate & filter media become "cycled" when the right bacteria colonize them.


New Member
i know that water isnt good enough to cycle a tank but i just got it to help start things i said the last tank i had was a 125 and im not sure how i cycled it but i had it running great for about 3 years with no i know something about the hobby..just never had a small tank like this and want to make sure i do it right..i also seem to remember people not caring for that cycle in a bottle stuff. is it worth it to add any of that? I wish i could have made the move quicker and move some sand and lr from my old tank. I also am going to get a new skimmer cause i have a smaller filter than i had in the 125 so it wont fit too well in the new one so i think im gonna get a HOB..Whats the best HOB out there and i am gonna get it? Thanks eveyone for the help i appreciate it..


just a question, but why do people use fish to "cycle a tank" I had just live rck in mine. I added fish at the end of the cycle and never had a problem. I just don't understand why you would need a fish in your tank for it to cycle.


New Member
u dont need a fish u just need something to create waste and fish poop is waste..but u can also use cocktail shrimp to make that waste..i guess if u have enough lr the die off creates waste..but my rock was from my old tank and the rock has been out of water for about a week so i dont think its live anymore..i used all live sand though and will be buying a few more lbs of fresh lr during the week to help seed it up.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Guinness26
i know that water isnt good enough to cycle a tank but i just got it to help start things i said the last tank i had was a 125 and im not sure how i cycled it but i had it running great for about 3 years with no i know something about the hobby..just never had a small tank like this and want to make sure i do it right..i also seem to remember people not caring for that cycle in a bottle stuff. is it worth it to add any of that? I wish i could have made the move quicker and move some sand and lr from my old tank. I also am going to get a new skimmer cause i have a smaller filter than i had in the 125 so it wont fit too well in the new one so i think im gonna get a HOB..Whats the best HOB out there and i am gonna get it? Thanks eveyone for the help i appreciate it..
i would say the aquac remora


Originally Posted by Guinness26
u dont need a fish u just need something to create waste and fish poop is waste..but u can also use cocktail shrimp to make that waste..i guess if u have enough lr the die off creates waste..but my rock was from my old tank and the rock has been out of water for about a week so i dont think its live anymore..i used all live sand though and will be buying a few more lbs of fresh lr during the week to help seed it up.
Yes, you need an ammonia source. One shrimp is all that is needed. Test your ammonia after the second day. When it reaches .75-1ppm pull the shrimp out. Wait for the nitrite spike. When both spike then reach a steady zero then the cycle is complete.


Originally Posted by Guinness26
u dont need a fish u just need something to create waste and fish poop is waste..but u can also use cocktail shrimp to make that waste..i guess if u have enough lr the die off creates waste..but my rock was from my old tank and the rock has been out of water for about a week so i dont think its live anymore..i used all live sand though and will be buying a few more lbs of fresh lr during the week to help seed it up.
Yes, you need an ammonia source. One shrimp is all that is needed. Test your ammonia after the second day. When it reaches .75-1ppm pull the shrimp out. Wait for the nitrite spike. When both spike then reach a steady zero, the cycle is complete.


Originally Posted by Guinness26
u dont need a fish u just need something to create waste and fish poop is waste..but u can also use cocktail shrimp to make that waste..i guess if u have enough lr the die off creates waste..but my rock was from my old tank and the rock has been out of water for about a week so i dont think its live anymore..i used all live sand though and will be buying a few more lbs of fresh lr during the week to help seed it up.
Yes, you need an ammonia source. One shrimp is all that is needed. Test your ammonia after the second day. When it reaches .75-1ppm pull the shrimp out. Wait for the nitrite spike. When both spike then reach a steady zero, the cycle is complete.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Yes, you need an ammonia source. One shrimp is all that is needed. Test your ammonia after the second day. When it reaches .75-1ppm pull the shrimp out. Wait for the nitrite spike. When both spike then reach a steady zero, the cycle is complete.
i think u posted a few to many times lol but what do u think about using silversides


Originally Posted by MaTT B
and do u think like 5 silversides would do the same thing as the shrimp???
You can use any ammonia source that you would like. 5 isn't neccessary though. One or two will do. Be sure to check your ammonia and pull it out before or at 1.0ppm.


Originally Posted by MaTT B
i think u posted a few to many times lol but what do u think about using silversides
My comp is acting screwy tonight


If your LR has only been out of the tank for a week there should be more than enough dead matter to start a cycle in your tank but feel free to add dead creatures if you prefer. Above all else make sure your cycle is complete before you add any fish,and when you do start adding them go very slowly maybe one or two fish every two weeks or bad things will happen to all the concerned parties. You really should go read up on reef chemistry or at least the nitrogen cycle so you can understand what you are actually trying to accomplish.