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  1. krm08

    al gore strikes again!

    oh leave al gore alone, he invented the internet for us... or so he says...
  2. krm08

    Jamie Lynne S.p.e.a.r.s - IT TURNED BLUE!!!

    ....guy he's a little confused i think
  3. krm08

    Jamie Lynne S.p.e.a.r.s - IT TURNED BLUE!!!

    idk about that
  4. krm08

    Jamie Lynne S.p.e.a.r.s - IT TURNED BLUE!!!

    yeah, they're talking about the boyfriend maybe facing jail time because of all this
  5. krm08

    Jamie Lynne S.p.e.a.r.s - IT TURNED BLUE!!!

    she's prego... and keeping the kid!!! what do you think is happening with these people???
  6. krm08

    highschooler's thread!!

    school project! pick a fish, make the aquarium... on a poster. FUN!!! :)
  7. krm08

    Sgt Major

    Does anyone have any pictures of the Sgt Major? it's for a school project, and well yeah... lol