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  1. dah-nah

    What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?

    Carpenters Flasher Wrasse - "Ladyboy" because he is flamboyent and pretty!
  2. dah-nah


    I think that a lawnmower blenny would probably do a better job of cleaning the algae off the rocks than a tang. From what I understand Tangs are more grazers, where a blenny would be more actively mowing algae. I'm no expert, just my thoughts on the matter.
  3. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Can you put a small CUC in a QT? I wouldn't mind having a handful of snails, maybe an emerald crab, to keep the QT clean.
  4. dah-nah

    anyone else bring their dog to work

    I bring my little guy to work with me sometimes. I have two jobs and one of my bosses only allows Neville to come for now, while he's a puppy so that I can take him out for his frequent potty breaks. Once he can hold his bladder longer he is no longer welcome because that office is too small...
  5. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    A bit of good news...this morning I witnessed my new Flasher Wrasse eating the pellet food that I put in the tank. It looks like he won't be a picky eater. If he'll eat a bit of that in the morning and I give him frozen Cyclopeez in the evening that should be good as far as diet?
  6. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    It's been a while and I thought I should update my thread! I've been kind of busy with my new puppy and I've been waiting until I could make the next step with our tanks. I left the QT tank fishless for 6 weeks since Pearl's death and during the wait my daughter ran in to yet some more bad...
  7. dah-nah


    The recommended minimum of 6' tank for tangs doesn't mean that you must add 6' for every tang. An 18' tank required for 3 tangs is ridiculous! They can swim in the same 6'. My tank is the same dimensions as yours (5x2x2) and I plan on adding 3 tangs to mine as well. I picked tangs that are...
  8. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    I didn't see any spots on it at all (other than the two black spots under his mouth). So should I wait 6 weeks before putting a new fish in the QT?
  9. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Should I be leaving the QT empty for a while just in case she was killed by a parasite and if so for how long?
  10. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Sorry I meant to post the Ammonia numbers aswell which were 0. I do not have a test for PH.
  11. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    "Pearl" passed on today. One minute she was fine (at least she seemed fine) the next minute she was dead. I tested the water moments after I found her. Temp: 78.4 Salinity: 1.027 (Could that 1 point have killed her and how could it have gone up?) Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 2.5 (I'm assuming that this...
  12. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    I hope this works...this is my first time posting pics on here! Enjoy!! Look at that precious face! "Pearl" is in the back left you some idea how tiny she is! If you look real hard you can see her! Last one...she's hiding in her tube.
  13. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Pics coming soon!!!
  14. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Temp: 78 Salinity: 1.026 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 Phosphate: 0 I am off to pick up my daughters pearly Jawfish!!
  15. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Temp: 78 Salinity: 1.026 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0.1 Nitrate: 5 Phosphate: 0
  16. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Temp: 78 Salinity: 1.026 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0.5 Nitrate: 10 Phosphate: 0
  17. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Temp: 78 Salinity: 1.026 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 1.0-2.0 Nitrate: 25 Phosphate: 0
  18. dah-nah

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    According to the Aquarium capacity calculator that I use online 16"x16"x16" works out to; U.S. gallons: 17.73 U.K. gallons: 14.76 Litres: 67.12
  19. dah-nah

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    Right now we are waiting for the sump/refugium to come in we got a custom one since all the other sumps that go under the tank had really tiny refugiums, so the custom one has a 16"X16"X16" refugium on it which was bigger than any of the other ones we saw, btw does anyone know what size refugium...
  20. dah-nah

    Dah-nah's Saltwater Journal

    Todays #'s Temp: 78 Salinity: 1.026 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 2.0-4.0 Nitrate: 50 Phosphate: 0