anyone else bring their dog to work


just wondering if anyone else brings their dogs to work, my superintendent and I (his assistant superintendent )bring our Golden's to work a few times a week, they have a great time having free run of the 145 acres of golf coarse.
this was a spring picture we had taken next to our 15th green, with the crab-apples in bloom, oh yea I'm the one on the left with my year old golden zoey, and mike with his red Golden's ,Case and Emma, feel free to post your pets at work or at home.


al mc

Active Member
For some reason my dogs hate to go to work with me
(they know that something is going to be cleaned/removed/injected)


Active Member
Phoebe comes with me to work every day, she thinks she owns the clinic ;)
It's funny because on walks, outside of the clinic she's quite the little snot to other dogs but at work she's a totally different dog, friendly and tolerant.
This is Phoebe hanging out with Pippin, a papillion that was surrendered for adoption. (Phoebe is the blonde) Showing her where the good seats are ;)


I bring my little guy to work with me sometimes.
I have two jobs and one of my bosses only allows Neville to come for now, while he's a puppy so that I can take him out for his frequent potty breaks. Once he can hold his bladder longer he is no longer welcome because that office is too small.
My other boss however is always disappointed when I show up to work without him. She just can't get enough of him!!


Active Member
Unfortunately I cant bring him to work with me, but since I can't get enough of showing off my cute puppy here are some more pics.


al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Yeah, I'll bet they don't want any part of coming to work with you

Yup...So bad that if I take a right out of the development (towards work) they start to drool and shake....if I go left they start to bark (it is 'park time').


Active Member
Yep all the time, they have their own bed, water bowl and snacks in my desk. They chill on my floor in my office and sleep. I consider myself extremly fortunate to work in a pet friendly company. My Beagle that I had to put down in late February spent her last 2 months with me every day at work. After I found out she had cancer, I had to keep her with me till the end.
Now with our 2 new guys its not as frequent because as pups still, they are a bit more excitable but I still take them, when I can.


Active Member
i used to take my dog to work when i worked half days saturday, but he gets bored really easy and starts whining that he wants to go home. i'd never bring him in for the whole 10hr day.


Active Member
We used to be fairly lax around the office about dogs in the office. Then one day one of biggest clients comes in for a meeting, and they walk into the executive conference room and there is a big pile of dog crap on the floor.
So ends the dogs at work experiment at my company.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
For some reason my dogs hate to go to work with me
(they know that something is going to be cleaned/removed/injected)

Originally Posted by Al Mc

Yup...So bad that if I take a right out of the development (towards work) they start to drool and shake....if I go left they start to bark (it is 'park time').
Gotta love dogs don't ya!!!!!