Search results

  1. hookitbig

    Aqualight Pro vs Sunpod

    Which light setup is better? I currently own a Sunpod 2x150w and have it on a 50 gallon tank. I however am switching my tank to a 45 gallon (24x18x24) and need to get a new light. I like the sunpod but found the Aqualight Pro and like the idea of having a 10k bulb with the blue actinics for the...
  2. hookitbig

    FUN THREAD- Most asked questions

    Q: Do you enjoy taking care of it? I usually reply with "not really I just spend 6 grand on something here and there that takes a lot of work and time just to piss off my wife."
  3. hookitbig

    Black-rayed Shrimpgoby dying.

    Ill post the water conditions when I get home I cant remember but plan on re-testing. fyi About a year ago I had a Yashia Goby do the exact same thing. Didnt see it for a long time then noticed it was in a rock in the back of the tank. Same place I had last seen this black rayed (high fin)...
  4. hookitbig

    Black-rayed Shrimpgoby dying.

    I noticed this morning that my shrimpgoby which I had not seen for six months (thought it died) was swimming around in an upside down loop. I know he was on his way to fish heaven but I wondered why? I have two tangs (naso and kole), a scooter blenny, a mandarin, long nose hawkfish, cleaner...
  5. hookitbig

    Need Tank w/Built In Overflow

    Those quotes were for glass. Any links???
  6. hookitbig

    Need Tank w/Built In Overflow

    I need a few online stores to look for a tank with a built in overflow. I recently had a close call with my tank that has the CPR overflow. A small piece of algae clogged the air tube and when I got home the tank was about 1/5" from spilling over the top. I was lucky this time but I am not...
  7. hookitbig

    Cleaner shrimp being attacked?

    I came out of my room and was standing watching the tank without the fish realizing I was there. It was the yellow tang. The shrimp was hiding under a rock and his tentacles were out from under the ledge. The tang went down and grabbed one and ripped it off. I got the tang out of the tank and...
  8. hookitbig

    Cleaner shrimp being attacked?

    My cleaner shrimp keeps having his tentacles or "whiskers" I am guessing bit off by something in my tank? I have a yellow tang, a long nosed hawkfish, barbershop goby, two clown gobies, a kole tang, and two peppermint shrimp. I have never seen any of the fish attack the cleaner shrimp. And...
  9. hookitbig

    Things to do with reservoir

    I recently installed a Auto Top Off system and am curious if there is anything I can put in or do with the reservoir of fresh water that could benefit the tank?
  10. hookitbig

    Easiest Brain Coral

    Which is the easiest brain coral to keep? I know there are a lot of idfferent styles I tend to like the open brain. I am setting up a tank and plan on putting only corals that require the least care as opposed to my previous tanks packed with SPS.
  11. hookitbig

    Overflow box question

    How many gallons per hour can one Ushaped overflow thingy handle? All I can think is something was knocked loose on my return pump and it is now pumping more water than before. Its a Quiet One 4000 rated for approximately 1000gph. its going through about 5 ft of tube up about 4 ft. I am...
  12. hookitbig

    Overflow box question

    I got out all the air with the flexible tubing. I am stumped, basically I reduced the flow to a minimum last night so I could go to bed around midnight and plan on messing with it this weekend. Would it help if I had another U shaped tube going from box to box?
  13. hookitbig

    Overflow box question

    I am not sure what its rated for, but it worked fine before. So I dont think that is the issue. I added no extra plumbing its the same exact setup as before except I have a sump 5 gallons larger with a new protein skimmer. Skimmer isnt running while I have been messing with this issue. I...
  14. hookitbig

    Overflow box question

    I have recently updated my sump system and hooked it all back up and maybe I am crazy but I dont think my overflow is pulling water as fast as before. Nothing has changed with the overflow box but the box inside the tank has a higher water level than before. If this makes sense it seems like...
  15. hookitbig

    Cheap lights.

    So the MH lights with remote ballasts would run me probably 500-600 bucks. I found what I would call a shop light that has the ballast and light enclosed in the same case for $98 each. Add the proper HQI 20k lights and I would be saving about $250. I am thinking of building a hood and...
  16. hookitbig

    DIY hood

    I am building my hood for a 50 gallon reef tank. I have two metal halide 175 retro fits on the way but want to have the hood ready when they get here. I am wondering how tall to build my hood in order to have the lights far enough from the water. How much room do you think the halides will...
  17. hookitbig

    Skimmer and cooling fans

    I have a 50 gallon tank I am turning into a reef tank. I currently have an undersized sump which I am replacing with a 20 gallon tank. I am looking for a skimmer a little oversized for the tank and have been looking at the ASM G1 or G2. Which would you choose? I am also building a hood to hold...
  18. hookitbig

    Glass between halides and water

    So I have decided to use the two 175 watt halides on my tank. However I dont want to remove the glass from the top of the tank to help prevent evaporation. I plan to have the hood powered with fans to help create air movement to remove heat. Will the glass lids cause any problems and if so...
  19. hookitbig

    Metal halides too much?

    So the only way around the large beam across the top center of my tank I can think of will be the following. Keep in mind I have a 50 gallon tank and really like the shimmering look of a MH bulb. 1. 2x 175 metal halides. 2. 1 MH on one side and PC on the other. I guess I am asking if the...
  20. hookitbig

    Tank Mod

    I have recently purchased a 50 gallon tank. 36"x18"x18" I have a light combo metal halide w/ 2 PC. I want to mount this so the light is directly in the middle of the tank but there is that 'support beam' across the top of the tank that divides it in half. I am wondering if I can remove this...