Black-rayed Shrimpgoby dying.


New Member
I noticed this morning that my shrimpgoby which I had not seen for six months (thought it died) was swimming around in an upside down loop. I know he was on his way to fish heaven but I wondered why? I have two tangs (naso and kole), a scooter blenny, a mandarin, long nose hawkfish, cleaner shrimp, rainfordi goby, and loads of corals etc... They are all doing just fine water conditions are normal. I did a 10% water change last night but I do that regularly.
Was it just his time? Are they known for this?
Any ideas.


New Member
Ill post the water conditions when I get home I cant remember but plan on re-testing.
fyi About a year ago I had a Yashia Goby do the exact same thing. Didnt see it for a long time then noticed it was in a rock in the back of the tank. Same place I had last seen this black rayed (high fin) living. They both acted in similar ways before dying. The last one would swim at the top of the tank and eventually died.
I have not lost any other fish or invert. The tank is a 75 gallon. I have a 35 gallon sump. ASM g3 skimmer.