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  1. ilikesalt

    24 gallon nano micro bubbles

    there isnt another powerhead in the same chamber but there is one in the third chamber. the intake and return lines are on pretty tight and if that was the problem wouldnt water be dripping out as well? there is about 4 inches of water above the powerhead running the chiller. is it possible...
  2. ilikesalt

    24 gallon nano micro bubbles

    i have a 24 gallon nano. up and running for 7 months now. never had a problem with micro bubbles. i bought an arctica nano chiller because i live in florida and my water was getting to hot. now i have a lot of micro bubbles and it is driving me crazy. i have a maxi jet 900 running the...
  3. ilikesalt

    Need high light corals!!!!

    i just purchased a candy cane about a week and a half ago. i like the way it looks but i am not sure what to do as far as feeding the coral. someone told me to spot each polyp and someone else said that it will feed on the phytoplankton that i put in the tank. any ideas or suggestions?
  4. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    so i finally figured out how to post a picture... the stock list is as follows: 12 lbs of live rock 30 lbs live sand candycane kenya tree yellow polyp blue mushroom red mushroom hammer coral zooanthids 2 emerald crabs 12 turbos 10 hermits or various colors
  5. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    finally a picture
  6. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    im going to pay you cash... the coral i got from you are doin great..the hammer coral opened up almost emediately and look awesome and the kenya tree was slumped over when i first put it in but then this morning it was sitting straight up and lookin good. the zoos have half opened some of them...
  7. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    my question concerns the candaycane coral. i have heard mix answers as far as feeding goes. some say to spot feed each polyp and some say if you just put some defrosted mysis shrimp in the tank the candycane will feed on that. also phytoplankton was suggested for feeding the candycane. i...
  8. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    so i just picked up my first corals. 2 blue....i picked up a colony of about 20 yellow polyps and also a candy cane..i just did some reading on the candy cane and found that they are considered hard to care for. if anyone knows anything about the candycane corals as...
  9. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    i agree with that if its not broke dont fix it. i actually did the opposite from you i just gave a friend of mine some of my snails and bought some more hermit crabs. i would watch the snails move accross my LR and leave white strips from where they ate everything of the LR. i know the stuff...
  10. ilikesalt

    Updated Pics, 24g Nano

    patrick answer your phone...its phil..your tank looks good i want to come by and see it
  11. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    Thank you for the advice, thats a good idea.
  12. ilikesalt

    questions about 24 gallon nano

    that seems to be the consensus. do you or anyone have any advise on snails? i have 15 small to med size turbos and 5 large ones. i have heard from other people that more of a variety would better. if anyone has any thoughts please let me know.
  13. ilikesalt

    questions about 24 gallon nano

    thank you for your response. do you think that the salinity should stay at 1.025 or just for the time being? if i did decide to go with all live rock filter system does the live rock in the back filter chambers need any maintenence or just let it be? also a few people have told me that 8...
  14. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    it seems that the general concensus is that 8 emarald crabs is to many. so the question is how do i get the crabs from my tank to the lfs safely? also the turbo snails like to stay on the glass but they have also been all over the live rock and the sand.
  15. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    i think my lfs is guitly of taking advantage of the new guy a little bit. i understand business is business. another question i have is about lighting. my lights are on a timer and when they come on they come on all at the same time and when they turn off it happens all at once. is it a good...
  16. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    they are definately emarald crabs. 8 of them. and six hermit crabs. yea this is my first tank my girlfriend got it for me for xmas and she thought she would be the one to take care of it. i am absolutely already addicted. it is my baby and just as expensinve as a real baby. i am going to look...
  17. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    my nitrites never spiked
  18. ilikesalt

    questions about cycling 24 gallon nano

    first of all thank you for your response i was hoping someone would help. i bought the live rock cured. when i asked the lfs about what i was buying in respect to variety the respononse was its just a snail or its just a crab. i would like to have more variety. can you reccomend some possible...