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  1. thirdgenfan

    Can a six line wasse be aggressive??

    I have a sixline in a 29 gal. with a ocellaris clown and a rusty angel for well over a year. Model citizen.He was added last though.
  2. thirdgenfan

    octopus HOB skimmer disaster

    That looks to be the air intake for the pump. I have a similar design a CPR bak-pak( which I am very disappointed in). I think it should be above the water level of the tank.Mine has a attachment to hold above the water level.I will be replacing my skimmer with a Aqua-c Remora soon.
  3. thirdgenfan

    ReefRiyon 75 Gallon Reef Build Diary

    Did you acclimate your snails and hermits? If not you should have.I doubt very seriously your Gramma knocked off your clowns,it was probably toxic water.Why add 25 hermits? there is not enough algae in your tank to keep half that many alive at this point.
  4. thirdgenfan

    undulate triggers

    Originally Posted by clowntrigger2k they are the pitbulls of fish :D Comparing fish with dogs is stupid.