octopus HOB skimmer disaster


I went to the store to buy a HOB skimmer for my 65 fowlr tank. I came home with a Octopus HOB skimmer model HB-100 (for 90 gallons) (took MR. x's advice on getting a more stronger skimer even though you have a 65 gallon tank) I paid $90 for it on sale. I'm freaking outg and so frustrated because the pump it comes with its huge and in the center of my tank (see picture below..) what do I do I have this huge square pump in the middle of my tank and it makes my tank look real ugly...i'm stressing about this. I enclosed 4 pictures of how i set it up and built it I hope I did it right....it's running or at least I think its running. how ppl think these skimmer are bettert han coralife SS is beyond me. if some can spot from the pics if i built it wrong please help me out and if someone cane explain to me what to do with this pump in the middle of my tank the ceterpiece that would be great...I have alot of pumps on hand koraliyas,maxi jet 12's...maybe I can hook it up to an existing pump in my tank so I dont have more power heads and pumps than LR lol help!!!
i'm really stressed. please see pics below.



some one please help...i pushed the collection cup high to increase the skimming just to test it out even though it was water, then unplugged the skimmer and went to clean it...all of the sudden the airline tubethat is connected to that small barrel like object picture is below...starting leeking and leeking fast all over the wires...why did this happen ? that object was out of the tank the airline tube is connected to the pump but the skimmer was turned off...and that object was out of the tank should it be in the tank or over the tank ? please look at the picture and help me please. thank you. i'm losing it.


bump for Espkh9. I don't know how to fix it but I know the feeling of not knowing how to fix problems with a tank


Are you talking about the airline tube that the air is pulled in from? Sometimes mine will do this...somehow a siphon is started, and it will pull the water until you break the siphon. I just move my tube so it is in my sump now when I go to turn it off...so if it leaks it doesn't matter...then just lift it straight up and blow into it and it will clear the siphon, and pull air again when you start the pump back up...if this is not the problem I am a little unclear of which piece you are referring.


the black circular piece on the lights in the last picture that leaked....the first time i tried after that didnt leak..in a hob skimmer where shold that piece be and what is it called ?
i have mine hanging upside downbehind the tank its the a spot for it a place to it to sit or rest ?


Originally Posted by Espkh9
I went to the store to buy a HOB skimmer for my 65 fowlr tank. I came home with a Octopus HOB skimmer model HB-100 (for 90 gallons) (took MR. x's advice on getting a more stronger skimer even though you have a 65 gallon tank) I paid $90 for it on sale. I'm freaking outg and so frustrated because the pump it comes with its huge and in the center of my tank (see picture below..) what do I do I have this huge square pump in the middle of my tank and it makes my tank look real ugly...i'm stressing about this. I enclosed 4 pictures of how i set it up and built it I hope I did it right....it's running or at least I think its running. how ppl think these skimmer are bettert han coralife SS is beyond me. if some can spot from the pics if i built it wrong please help me out and if someone cane explain to me what to do with this pump in the middle of my tank the ceterpiece that would be great...I have alot of pumps on hand koraliyas,maxi jet 12's...maybe I can hook it up to an existing pump in my tank so I dont have more power heads and pumps than LR lol help!!!
i'm really stressed. please see pics below.

Oh and to hide stuff...get a sump. You can put your heater, and skimmer in their so you don't have to see it in your tank, and depending on the strength of your return pump you may not need power heads considering the size of your tank. (65 gallon correct?)


Originally Posted by Espkh9
the black circular piece on the lights in the last picture that leaked....the first time i tried after that didnt leak..in a hob skimmer where shold that piece be and what is it called ?
i have mine hanging upside downbehind the tank its the a spot for it a place to it to sit or rest ?
Hmm, I don't have a HOB nor that particular brand, so I am a little unsure of what that black piece is...but if it is hooked up to airline tubing I would have to guess that it is the line that is supplying the air to your skimmer. If at all possible (if I am talking about the right piece) I would try to elevate it...have to consider when your power goes out...then you will truly have a disaster on your hands if a siphon is created and you are not there to catch it. Really no right or wrong place to put it in my opinion...you might just lead it back to your tank, but not submersed as this would clearly cut down on the amount of air it could pull
. This is probably your best option. Hope this is clearing things up for you somewhat


New Member
That looks to be the air intake for the pump. I have a similar design a CPR bak-pak( which I am very disappointed in). I think it should be above the water level of the tank.Mine has a attachment to hold above the water level.I will be replacing my skimmer with a Aqua-c Remora soon.


that black thing is a sliencer for your airline hose you can take it off but it does make a differance. your air hose should be going thru the little hole on the front of the skimmer (right behind the sliencer in ur pic). as for the pump i took the snail gaurd off and it reduces the size by like 25% ive had this skimmer for 3 weeks now and love it works great for me. looks like u have everything set up right cept i set the skim cup almost all the way down.
heres some pics from when i set mine up https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=317110


Originally Posted by usirchchris
Oh and to hide stuff...get a sump. You can put your heater, and skimmer in their so you don't have to see it in your tank, and depending on the strength of your return pump you may not need power heads considering the size of your tank. (65 gallon correct?)
i have one from a previous tank but i wouldve otten the needle wheel octopus skimmer in stead i got a hob since i am using no sump. the sump i have is 20 gallons and does not fit in the cabinets holding up the tank.


Originally Posted by morval
that black thing is a sliencer for your airline hose you can take it off but it does make a differance. your air hose should be going thru the little hole on the front of the skimmer (right behind the sliencer in ur pic). as for the pump i took the snail gaurd off and it reduces the size by like 25% ive had this skimmer for 3 weeks now and love it works great for me. looks like u have everything set up right cept i set the skim cup almost all the way down.
heres some pics from when i set mine up https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?t=317110
you really helped me out alot but my question to you if u read the whole thread is why did it leak the first time i pulled the skimmer plug out then removed the collection cup then about 1 min late there was a leak like drips but very fast i was so worriedi t would go into the wiring etc..i quickly got a bucket and the drips went in there and wiped the outlets and power chords...so then i did a test again everything thesame 3x and no leak... ? any sense of that we saw the leak was coming from the end piece of the airline tubing the silencing piece whatver its called the drips were coming from that...so what do you think taht why i have my cup on al ow skimming rate im affraid it will over flowduring the night its a small cup...will it overflow if it gets to the top ? and can u make sense of my situation ? thanks and sorry for the crazy confusing long response but we have the same thing can u post a pic of the pump in the tank with the 25% REDUCTION AND WHAT PIECE TO TAKE OFF ?? THANKS SO MUCH....


Originally Posted by Espkh9
you really helped me out alot but my question to you if u read the whole thread is why did it leak the first time i pulled the skimmer plug out then removed the collection cup then about 1 min late there was a leak like drips but very fast i was so worriedi t would go into the wiring etc..i quickly got a bucket and the drips went in there and wiped the outlets and power chords...so then i did a test again everything thesame 3x and no leak... ? any sense of that we saw the leak was coming from the end piece of the airline tubing the silencing piece whatver its called the drips were coming from that...so what do you think taht why i have my cup on al ow skimming rate im affraid it will over flowduring the night its a small cup...will it overflow if it gets to the top ? and can u make sense of my situation ? thanks and sorry for the crazy confusing long response but we have the same thing can u post a pic of the pump in the tank with the 25% REDUCTION AND WHAT PIECE TO TAKE OFF ?? THANKS SO MUCH....

Not sure why it leaks? Probably when the pump is turned off there is some back flow created...has to go somewhere so it goes threw that tube...I would not worry so much as to why it does this but rather how to fix it knowing the problem is potentially there. Just set the tube up so it leads back over your tank. then if it pulls water from the tank..it goes right back in and you have no problem, and it will not overflow...problem solved


anyone know with these hob skimmer the octopus ones do you have to shut them off b4 cleaning the collection cup ? I would assume yes...


New Member
I have the same skimmer and it works great once it breaks in. The directions that came with it are another story, but the skimmer itself is good.
First thing you should do is turn the return elbow tword the back wall of the tank, this will help with any stray micro bubbles. Most bubbles will hit the glass and flow up the the surface instead of dispersing into the tank.
The next thing is to make sure that the outlet that everything is plugged into is GFCI protected, (Ground fault circuit interrupter) if you're slightly handy, you can switch out a regular wall outlet to a GFCI in about 5-10 minutes, it only costs about $10.00 and it could save your life. If you don't feel comfortable with electrical work you can buy a plug in GFCI at any home improvement or hardware store. With a GFCI if water drips on your power cords, it will trip the circuit before it causes any problems (electrocution/ fire....)
Back to the skimmer-
When you turn the pump off, any water in the pipe above it will flow back into the tank. If your airline is lower than the water level in your skimmer, it could flow into the airline, causing a siphon. As long as your silencer/airline is above the water level , it won't siphon, because the water will follow the path of least resistance which would be the pump inlet. If you run the airline through the little clip on the front of the skimmer, you'll be fine. Just don't mess with it while it's running, I was moving mine once, and gave a little tug on the airline which caused the pump to come loose from the pipe and it started dumping tons of micro bubbles into the tank.
You don't need to unplug the skimmer to empty the cup, the skimmer can't overflow unless something is clogging the outlet pipe. I've only ever turned mine off during water changes, (good time to clean the skimmer and pump) and I've never had a problem with it overflowing.
Also the next time you clean it, take apart the return piping and get that black sponge out of there, it's supposed to help with the bubbles, but it just gets dirty and clogged fast. Mine runs better without it.
The collection cup can't overflow, if it ever fills all the way up, the water will simply flow back down the tube into the reaction chamber.
The higher you keep the collection cup, the dryer the skimmate will be, this is mostly a matter of personal preference, and will determine how often you'll need to empty the cup. I keep the silicone band about an 1 1/4" from the bottom of the cup on mine, and I need to empty the cup (about half full) every three or four days. As far as finding the "sweet spot", it's mostly trial and error, set the cup at whatever level you think will work for you, and check back on it every fifteen minutes or so. If the cup is noticeably fuller after fifteen minutes, it's set way too low. Dump it and try it a little higher. Keep in mind that the fuller the cup gets, the heaver it gets, if you don't have the setscrew tight enough, it may slide down a little and fill faster.
As far as the pump goes, you're right, it's ugly as hell. Aside from trying to hide it behind some rock, I can't really think of a way to conceal it. If you come up with something, let me know. The piece that you want to remove is the part that covers the inlet of the pump. (Black plastic with slots in it, I think it just snaps into place)
They do make another model with an internal pump, but they are constantly sold out and hard to find. Those run about $150 or so. There's also enough room in that one for a heater if you're looking to hide all of your mechanicals. If you decide to go with one of those, pm me about buying your current octopus.
There are a few other mods out there for it, but in my opinion, it works fine without them. If you search around some of the other message boards, you'll find a ton of information on them.
I researched skimmers a lot before I bought this one, and as far as I can tell, this is one of the three best HOB's, and by far the best bang for your buck. I hope all this helps.


i have an emergency...please help me out i made a new thread in the new hobbyist forum with my problem i have a major leak after it was not touchjed and running since saturday...i reall y can use the help half my tank flooded...im freaking out...please check my thread its called emergency help with octopus skimmer thank you..in short the compartment next to the collection cup is leaking since the tube to the right of the pump in the tank well bubbles arent coming out of it like it used to,,,it 's hard to explain but in the thread sorry dont know how to link it tells all the details please please help me.


you saved my life for now no more flodding everything is running fine i removed the sponge and eberything went back to normal i wanna personally say thank you to you for all your help and taking the time to write all that beneficial info for me to get to where i am now, 2 questions i removed the part of the pump i have a 1 inch picasso trigger cant he get sucked in through the hole ? he is a pretty good dwimmer and a cleaner wrasee and if they do get sucked up to i end up with another problem or flood ? thanks again so much. much obliged.with the sponge gone am I ok for good ? i again have the airline tube in the spot for it and the skiming is great now like it was for the last 4 days...now that the sponge is out what else can go wrong i cant afford another flood..i'd rather not have a skimmer.... lol anyways with the sponge out am i scott free ?