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  1. ameares8

    Anybody Have A Red Sea Test Kit?

    What are your levels? Did you use any sort of Bio-spira or other "biological quick start"?
  2. ameares8

    Anybody Have A Red Sea Test Kit?

    I have one and I have never had this problem. Test your tap water and see if it changes. Test a bottle of water also. If nothing changes than you might need to ditch that batch of reagants.
  3. ameares8

    Do you guys know what this is...or this?

    q-tips or Sycon sponges all the same thing I guess.
  4. ameares8

    My Tomato Clown did it again

    Originally Posted by FishRich I'm waiting to see whats next.. Is the tomato going to grab my lawnmower bleeny and try to throw it in the anemone.. I'm really giving it thought if I want to get rid of my tomato clown for something else... It's crazy That is exactly what happened to my first...
  5. ameares8

    Can i keep Anenome in 20G?

    I have a pink condy and a Tomato Clown in a 10 gallon in my living room. I had to seperate them from my Red Sea Max because they were killing everything in my tank ( I litteraly watched them do it). I planed on keeping them in there until I could get a bigger tank, but they settled in nicely...