Anybody Have A Red Sea Test Kit?


New Member
I have one and I have never had this problem. Test your tap water and see if it changes. Test a bottle of water also. If nothing changes than you might need to ditch that batch of reagants.


Active Member
I have one.
None of my colors match.. I try to get to the closest color.
My Ammonia test is Always cloudy... I think I got a reject batch. I'm not too proud of it..
Nitrite - what color is it showing up as? if it is the darkest teal/turquoise color.. your good.


i just tested my nitrite with tap water and it still didn't change colors so i guess i'll have to buy another kit. Anybody got any suggestions as to what brand is good?
I have this test kit and it seems to work ok. When compared to others it is pretty close, but the colors sometimes don't match. I just always go with the higher number to be safe.


mine's not changing colors at all on my nitrites and i need to be checking it to see if my tank is cycling. i bought live rock that was already cured and i have 15lbs of crushed coral and 3lbs of argonite live sand that came out of a tank that was already cycled. and i have 24 blue legged hermits and 1 blue yellow tail damsel and my water is clear no diatoms or anything so i dont know if it has already cycled or hasnt' yet or what. the tank has been set up for a week and half. do any of ya'll have an idea of what i need to do or if it my already be cycled?


I always use red sea. Shake the bottles really good. even if it does not instruct you to shake it. Everything is just settled at the bottom.
Also check exp. date