Search results

  1. varez

    Where to find a White mount moray?

    i decided this eel is notto bad to get, i read it is not "rare" so i figured its prie to be fair. Antone know where to get one?
  2. varez

    Hey Guys, Eel question

    dont get me wrong i have wanted a DME for about 2 years, i just cant get that much money...i have a few things like an Xbox and laptop i can part with but still would be short and need to put money into a good enoug tank and get a good hunk of live rock for him. If i could get a DME for a good...
  3. varez

    Hey Guys, Eel question

    any of predatory fish you may want to advise let me know. I am big on things with "fangs" or sharp teeth.
  4. varez

    Hey Guys, Eel question

    just realized i skipped the eel question i ment to ask if that eel is acctually called a Yellow Canary Eel and what is it max size?
  5. varez

    Hey Guys, Eel question

    Ok so i am considering on getting back in to the saltwater hobby. I have decided that i will keep my repltiles or go with predatory saltwater fish. My LOVE for a Coral Cat shark has forced me to avoid it, and i have a 150 gallon tank but dont have the time to set it up right now. All i could put...
  6. varez


    i have for trade/sale a powerful alienware desktop! I am really looking for a good amount of corals and a Hawaiian Dragon Eel. Im spent 3,483 on this system brand new a month and a half ago and i decided to dont need three computers so im trading this one off. Let me know what you have avaliable...
  7. varez

    Reefs and Games

    Been a while since i been on this forum, thought i would tell all ya guys to try out this sweet free game, its all i do other than admire my 75 gallon reef tank and my 50 gallon Blue Ring Octopus tank! Just try it out!
  8. varez

    Cool game!

    Been a while since i been on this forum, thought i would tell all ya guys to try out this sweet free game, its all i do other than admire my 75 gallon reef tank and my 50 gallon Blue Ring Octopus tank! Just try it out!
  9. varez

    WTS 75 Gallons of FISH!!!

    I have many hermits and snails! and below is the list of fishys! Brazilian Dragon Eel!!! Damino Damsel Beaugregory Damsel Three stripe Damsel Pink Damsel Serpent Star Yellow Tail Damsel Black Choromis Maroon Clown Tomato Clown Few polups I have $700 worth of live rock for sale as well, save it...
  10. varez

    Blue Ring

    blue rings are awesome
  11. varez

    WTB: Dragon Eel

    i am looking to buy a Hawaiian or Japanese Dragon Eel for a good price, email me at Drizzt083089ATyahooDOTcom.
  12. varez

    WANTED: Banana Eel (Small)

    hello all, im looking for a small Banana Eel (12-16 inches) for trade or sale. I dont have much cash or items to part with, but if you have one your considering to give up please email me. I can pay to ship it and i live in "White Lake - MI" "i do have a honeycomb eel for trade" Drizzt083089 AT...
  13. varez

    Honeycomb Eel

    well i figured if someone was interested they would email me like ia request, but ok... Size - (Approx 18 inches give or take) City - White Lake State - Michigan the eel is very healthy and strong, has yet to even bother my snowflake eel (about 1/2 the honeycomb in size!) and i have small...
  14. varez

    Honeycomb Eel

    please send me an EMAIL if your interested, i do not check posts often.
  15. varez

    Honeycomb Eel

    i have this honeycomb eel for sale/trade, i will take paypal or if trade i need stuff from the list below. I have pics of the eel on this thread (i can get more to email you if your real interested). Please email me if you would like to make a deal. Drizzt083089 AT yahoo DOT com. Live Rock (Good...
  16. varez

    buying octos!

    i have a small one im considering trade for live rocks or cash or eels, maybe even some fish, what can you offer? Drizzt083089 AT yahoo DOT com
  17. varez

    Honeycomb Eel for Trade/Sale

    not sure, i posted this on a few sites, for as many people "viewing" not many ever post... guess i posted here twice, my bad, sorry..
  18. varez

    Honeycomb Eel for Trade/Sale

    The Tesselata Eel (AKA honeycomb) is a large and beautiful eel that is colored in a camoflauge array of brown and white that resembles the reflections of light in the water. This combination of colors is used to blend into the reef as both protection and for predation. These gorgeous eels are...
  19. varez

    SPS Corals

    i can trade a Honeycomb eel for some corals and maybe some live rock if your interested...