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  1. thebouldins

    Quick frogspawn question

    Thanks for the advice. I like it where it is, but it is in a prime piece of real estate in my tank, and I think that as I add things I will prefer it to be in a different location. So, I figured it would be better to move now as opposed to later when it is larger. Thanks again.
  2. thebouldins

    Quick frogspawn question

    I purchased a small-ish branching frogspawn coral this weekend with about 5 branches. I have it sort of wedged into a gap in some of my live rock but am considering moving it to a different location. Would this coral be ok in the substrate or should i just leave it where it is?
  3. thebouldins

    RO/DO What do you suggest

    Judging from all your other posts, the reason it is getting so expensive so quickly is because you are moving way too fast. I wouldn't have dreamed of putting fish into my brand new uncycled tank until at least week 6. Now it seems like you are trying to buy anything and everything you can to...
  4. thebouldins

    pH drop during first cycle...

    Hi... I added my live rock to my new tank about 3 days ago. I have noticed that the pH is dropping (down to about 7.8 now) which, from what I have read, is normal. All my other levels are rising as they should. My question is do I need to do anything to raise my pH back to where it should be to...
  5. thebouldins

    Instant Ocean 29 Gal Setup

    Hey everyone. First post here, so I will tell you a little about myself. I have always wanted a saltwater aquarium and, thanks to my son, I now have one. He is 5 and had a beta in a bowl that he kept in his room since he was about 2. This beta had lived through alot and finally died of what we...