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  1. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    Okay, well I must be an idiot because I keep trying to resize the pictures I have in microsoft paint, and it's either not making it small enough or it's making it tiny... no inbetween. Am I crazy!? Another question... does digging or messing with the sand in an aquarium make the nitrates spike...
  2. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    That's a relief that you said the xenia came back strong because mine is doing better, but still look like stumps. Ummm... honestly, I don't know the names of all the corals in the tank... if I could figure out how to load a picture on this thing, I could show you. I know I have frogspawn...
  3. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    cherry point is right down the road from me. I'm toward the back gate on 172!!! If you could find time to help, that would be so awesome!!!!!!!!
  4. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    the xenia is no better, no worse. They seemed to have expanded a tiny bit more, but not by much. I've only seen them with the "moon light" on so I'm sure they may be bigger during the day. My budget... nothing crazy but I'm willing to spend a decent chunk on something that he'd like & that he...
  5. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    Okay.. the update. Everything has stabalized, no drastic changes or anything. The nitrates are dropping, but very gradually which I somewhat expected. I'm still wanting to surprise my husband with an addition to the tank, possibly a different coral of some sort? Anybody have a favorite??
  6. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    I always check the salinity prior to adding any RO water to the tank. If it's high, which normally it would be from evaporation like you said, I will add straight RO water. If it's right where it needs to be or low, I would be a little confused as to how-- but in that case, I would usually...
  7. usmcwifey

    RO/DI Filters

    I personally have never heard of this one, but I use the coralife RO unit and it works very well.
  8. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    Oh! And yes, I do check the salinity and top it off with water when it evaporates. Is that bad?
  9. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    The chemistry lesson explains a lot. I never quite understood it entirety, it was just much easier to smile and nod after hearing about this stuff for hours. Actually journeyman-- I remember reading some of your threads when my husband was home-- slowburn22? I used to sit next to him and...
  10. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    Okay, here's the update. Everything BUT the nitrate is back to normal.... what could be the cause of this??
  11. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    So far, so good. I finally finished the water change last night, and even by this morning, the frogspawn is looking much better. The xenia still looks like crap, but even they have improved. I have found that xenia are probably the easiest of corals to take care of and actually very much of a...
  12. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    I usually hand feed the lion fish, but she has been kinda fickle with her food lately. Definitely no fish missing. I usually feed them every other day with the mysis and the scallop ever 3rd or 4th day. I have upped the feeding of mysis from half a cube to almost a full cube only because...
  13. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    The nitrite level was 5ppm and its not a new tank. The past 5 months I've been testing the tanks, it's always been at zero and I'm not doing anything different. The nitrate was at 40ppm... which has also always been no more than 5 at any given time. Even the ammonia was slightly higher too...
  14. usmcwifey

    what are good fish to put in a frag tank.

    I have a coral beauty and a couple cardinals... I think they are perfect for frag tanks. Everything everyone mentioned were also good choices.
  15. usmcwifey

    Desperate Housewife taking care of Husbands' Tanks

    My husband is currently deployed in Iraq & I have assumed responsibility of the tanks... he's been gone for 5 1/2 months without problems, until now... I honestly don't know the exact size of the tank I'm having problems with, other than it's between 35-45 gallons. I watched my husband for...