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  1. thefishpimp

    HELP! Ich!! what to do what to do?

    Today i woke up and noticed that my tang appears to have a slight case of ich.. i heard its better to start gettin rid of it the earlier you notice, i was wanderin what should i add to the tnak to get rid of the ich without killin my live rock or feather dusters? :confused:
  2. thefishpimp


    I was interested in getting a triggerfish... i have a 20 gal. and i know thats more than likely WAY to small... what size is best for keeping triggrfish?
  3. thefishpimp

    high natrates why?

    Cycle is a great live bacteria to help reduce the nitrate lvls in your aquarium... it helped my aquarium go through that cycle in 1 week...!!! Every dose adds like 1 trillion (benificial) bacteria to the tank...
  4. thefishpimp

    Cycling a new SW tank

    Hey... i was wonderin if any of you guys had ever tried biogical supplements to rapidly mature your tank within 1-2 weeks easily??? I use cycle (double dosage) and started my 150 with exotic fish the 2nd day i had it...... (blue tang and various corals) and everything has done EXCELLENT from the...
  5. thefishpimp

    Lionfish in a 20 gal?!?

    Thx everyone for yer options... i know its overcrowded horribly, i like the challenge of keepin that many in such a small tank. Looks like ill upgrade to get that lion then )
  6. thefishpimp

    Lionfish in a 20 gal?!?

    I have a 20 gal tank that has many types of fish that have been doing great for the last 2 years including (pacific sailfin tang, coral beauty mangerin goby and 3 percula clowns) along with 12lbs of LR... most say this is impossible to keep up with but its been goin great, i was wonderin if i...
  7. thefishpimp

    Mandarin Goby?????????

    Ive got a mangerin goby... ive had him for 3 years and he's been eating blood worms VERY WELL, When i set up my tank i added everything all at once (live rock, Angelfish, Tangs, etc..) and everything has done just great. partly to the fact of my filter system and my secrets to RAPIDLY...