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  1. dolphinsfan

    eshopps vs. cpr aeroforce?

    I have used previously used the CPR Bak Pak HOB skimmer as well as The Coralife super skimmer. The Coralife was much bulkier for a HOB skimmer, but I had better results with it than the CPR. With that being said, I have been using the Aqua C Remora HOB skimmer on my 55gal FOWLR tank for close to...
  2. dolphinsfan

    suggestions to finalize stocklist???

    Current stats: 55g FOWLR tank 75lbs of LR fish: 1 flame angel 3 blue/green chromis 1 blood red fire shrimp 1 emerald crab few hermits and snails for cuc Any suggestions on a final fish or two?
  3. dolphinsfan

    Royal gramma and a purple firefish???

    OK my idea of adding a second dwarf angel is out (60 gal tank). I added a purple firefish about a week ago and it is doing great. Was thinking of adding a royal gramma as last fish. Do you think there would be a conflict between them...similar body types etc.?
  4. dolphinsfan

    Bicolor dwarf angel and a coral beauty???

    60 gallon FOWLR. Tank set up for 5 months. Bicolor already in tank. Want to try a coral beauty. Other inhabitants 1) tomato clown 1) bangaii cardinal & 3) green chromis...Can it work????
  5. dolphinsfan

    bicolor and flame angel in a 60gal FOWLR?

    Just upgraded to a 60gal. Would it be possible to add a flame angel to the tank with an existing bicolor? Moved all liverock etc. into new tank so territories have not been established yet.
  6. dolphinsfan

    55 gal FOWLR FTS

    Thanks for the comments. I added a royal gramma as my last fish a few days ago. So my final fish list is: bicolor angel, tomato clown, hawaiian blue puffer and a royal gramma.
  7. dolphinsfan

    55 gal FOWLR FTS

    My lighting is a orbit satellite 2 x 65w PC
  8. dolphinsfan

    55 gal FOWLR FTS

    Better picture
  9. dolphinsfan

    Do i need to add dechlorinator to store bought RO water?

    I have a 55g FOWLR tank and buy premixed RO saltwater for water changes as well as RO fresh water from my LFS for top offs. Today, I bought 5 gallons of Culligan RO water out of one of those machines at my local grocery store instead because it is much cheaper. Do I need to add dechlorinator? I...
  10. dolphinsfan

    Skimmer Question

    I've used the CoralLife Superskimmer and currently use a Aqua C remora on my 55g. I recommend the Aqua C hands down.
  11. dolphinsfan

    55 gal FOWLR FTS

    Thanks. As far as my liverock, I guess I was right place, right time. I got it from a LFS outside of Cincinnati. 5 big pieces totaling 65lbs. The coraline has really started to cover the rock nicely. I don't like the looks of coraline covered glass, so I try to stay on top of scraping it so the...
  12. dolphinsfan

    55 gal FOWLR FTS

    Thanks for the replies! My wife says I have OCD when it comes to maintaing my tank. I do 25% water changes every couple of weeks but I clean the glass almost every day. The sand bed is only about 1/2 - 1" so it is easier to keep clean. The sand is really white. believe it or not, it is the Estes...
  13. dolphinsfan

    55 gal FOWLR FTS

    I have a bicolor angel, tomato clown, Mcosker's flasher wrasse, banggai cardinal and a green chromis. It is about 65lbs of live rock with a few different mushrooms attached. BTW the blue coral is fake. I added it for color a couple of months ago.
  14. dolphinsfan

    55 gal FOWLR FTS

    Tanks been up and running 10 months. Let me know what you think.
  15. dolphinsfan

    Hundreds of tiny white snails! Info please...

    My 55gal FOWLR tank has been running successfully for almost a year. 65lbs of LR, bicolor angel,tomato clown, bangaii cardinal and a green chromis. My CUC consists of about 6 Astrea snails, 6 nass. snails and 2 tiny red leg hermits. Over the last few weeks and months I have noticed what looks to...
  16. dolphinsfan

    Bicolor angel and coral beauty in a 55gal FOWLR?

    Maybe you are right. My bicolor is the "alpha dog" of the tank. He keeps the chromis, cardinal and gramma in check as he freely roams the tank. I don't think I want to risk it. since a Coral Beauty is now out of the question, does anyone have another suggestion for a last fish addition?
  17. dolphinsfan

    Bicolor angel and coral beauty in a 55gal FOWLR?

    Is it possible? Already have the bicolor along with a royal gramma, green chromis and a banggai cardinal. I really like the coral beauty and would like to add if others have had success.
  18. dolphinsfan

    55gal me pick last fish!

    Tank has been running for 1 year. 65lbs of LR. Current fish list: 1 bicolor angel, 1 royal gramma, 1 banggai cardinal & 1 blue/green chromis. I would like to add 1 more active/colorful fish. Any suggestions?