Bicolor angel and coral beauty in a 55gal FOWLR?


New Member
Is it possible? Already have the bicolor along with a royal gramma, green chromis and a banggai cardinal. I really like the coral beauty and would like to add if others have had success.


Active Member
I think you're chancing it there. a 55 isn't a lot of space for two angels to avoid each other.
How's the temperament on the bicolor?


New Member
Maybe you are right. My bicolor is the "alpha dog" of the tank. He keeps the chromis, cardinal and gramma in check as he freely roams the tank. I don't think I want to risk it. since a Coral Beauty is now out of the question, does anyone have another suggestion for a last fish addition?


Active Member
I would say some type of bottom-dwelling goby or blenny. When I look at your stocklist, that's the one 'hole' I see.