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  1. jsgtpd

    My Blue Tang has ICH or White Spot! What do I do!

    Originally Posted by doktorj99 Do you have a QT tank?? Unfortunatly No.
  2. jsgtpd

    My Blue Tang has ICH or White Spot! What do I do!

    Ok so just noticed tonite that my beautiful Blue Tang has what I believe to be ICH or White Spot (little white spots, almost looks like chicken pox for fish) So what is the best way to treat this, i don't want to lose this fish. Thanks everyone!!
  3. jsgtpd

    Lionfish Question

    Qucik question. Are the only type of DWARF Lionfish the fuzzy ones? Or do the Volitans come as Dwarfs?
  4. jsgtpd

    I want to get a Lionfish. Will it work with these fish!

    So apparently I shouldn't listen to my local Big Als cause their telling me that I can have 1 fish for every 5 gallons! Should have known, they just want to sell sell sell!
  5. jsgtpd

    I want to get a Lionfish. Will it work with these fish!

    Hey All New to these boards so HI to everyone. I have wanted a Lionfish forever now and we have had our 90G set up since Jan 3rd/08. So far we have (and forgive my spelling) 6 - Chromas 2 - Clown Fish 1 - Butterfly 1 - Midnight Angel (kind of aggressive) 1 - Yellow Tang 1 - Blue Hippo Tang 1 -...
  6. jsgtpd

    SWF and Canada

    Originally Posted by I Rule Hello staff, I was wondering if it would be possible to ship to British Columbia by plane? :help: I would really like to place an order of fish and inverts, but I can't because I'm a Canadian. The other online pet store that I order from can ship to...