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  1. greenbird

    green film alge

    i got a brite green alge all over my lr is this good or bad if bad how do i get rid of it thanks
  2. greenbird

    Need help withmy tank

    if i was you i would look in to a wrasse or maybe ascopas tang but there is a chance for any fish to battle over territory good luck
  3. greenbird

    Need help withmy tank

    if i was you i would look in to a wrasse or maybe ascopas tang but there is a chance for any fish to battle over territory good luck
  4. greenbird

    Tank cycling

    i would wait a month then test everything to make sure you have good water then i would add some starter fish see how they do then go from there good luck
  5. greenbird

    brown flower anenomes all over tank

    yes they are very bad they are all over my tank i want to put corals in but cant because of them i did not know they would spread like they didi hope i can get rid of them :mad:
  6. greenbird

    brown flower anenomes all over tank

    yes they are very bad they are all over my tank i want to put corals in but cant because of them i did not know they would spread like they didi hope i can get rid of them :mad:
  7. greenbird

    brown flower anenomes all over tank

    i got these brown tube like anenomes all over my tank how do i get rid of them they look like brown flowers :mad: