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  1. krisrtch

    Brissle Worm?

    I appreciate it. I only feed once a day and that is the cubed either brine or pymisis shrimp how ever you spell it lol from the LFS I feed one cube a day. and I think silver sides every tuesday for my aneomes. but just enough for each one. It just suprised me last night when i saw it. i was...
  2. krisrtch

    Brissle Worm?

    I was looking in my tank last night after the lights had gone out and I notice this huge brissle looking worm thing. It was a opaque colored worm about 1/4 wide by at least 4-6 inches long. While it looks something like the other brissle worms i have seen it doesn't have the red ends on it body...
  3. krisrtch

    hair algae

    i had a battle with hair algae we used a tooth brush to scrub it off and it was gone in a week. also got away from using tap and using strickly RO haven't come back yet.
  4. krisrtch

    bubble coral

    My bubble completely left his skelaton and left a baby behind who also left the skeleton. the big one is now sitting on the bottom of the tank still doing good. Haven't seen the baby since it left.
  5. krisrtch

    Help with Bubble coral

    So with that being a good thing will the two form new skelatons once they find themselves a new home? the big one has settled in teh bottom don't know where the baby went.
  6. krisrtch

    Help with Bubble coral

    Hi all, i'm a newbie here. I have a question with my bubble coral, I've had my pearl bubble for about 6 months. and he was growing strong and this past week he has detached from his rock. He left behind a small new coral behind on his rock but it has since also detached. Any ideas as to why this...