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  1. bbaum33


    I will post a pic tomorrow
  2. bbaum33


    I checked all my param. and they are all good, my lights are nova extreme pro, it is at the mid to top of my tank with moderate to high flow, it has been in my tank since friday.. I have a torch coral, and doughnut coral that are doin great, and I have 2 corals that I found in my LFS live rock...
  3. bbaum33


    I just got a 4 head and its was sprouting out but one of the head is kind of out and half is brown now. the other 3 are good. what's does that mean?
  4. bbaum33

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    Mine is not freindly at all.. I had to move him from my 75 to my 30 because he kept grabbin new small fish by the tail and tried to make them dinner.
  5. bbaum33

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    awesome thank you
  6. bbaum33

    A Mystery To Me..

    well, thank you reefforbrains, and perfectdark. Its been about 3 days for both clownfish, and 2 days for the cowfish, but they never went into the rock they were always out and about. No children have seen the tank. My guess was a hitchhiker, but the fish, and inverts on the rock at night are...
  7. bbaum33

    A Mystery To Me..

    1 cleaner shrimp 2 blood shrimp 1 lawnmower blenny 1 sixline wrasse 1 electric flame scallop 1 sand tiger conch 20 red and blue leg hermit crabs 10 snails
  8. bbaum33

    A Mystery To Me..

    true, but what killed the fish is the question? both clowfish dissappeared at the same time, and they both were brand new, strong, healthy fish.
  9. bbaum33

    A Mystery To Me..

    Temp: 78 SG: 1.024 PH: 8.4 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10 ppm
  10. bbaum33

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    Yesterday I took my CBS out of my 75 gallon tank and put it into my 30 gallon tank, the reason being was to see if it was eating my little fish, but when I was trying to fish him out up the glass he shot his pinchers out into the net and flew out and onto the top/side of the tank. He is alive...
  11. bbaum33

    A Mystery To Me..

    Thank you for the suggestion! I have had another cowfish that got stressed and died and was in my tank dead for about a day, and I was told that more than likely my tank is big enough that the toxins released by the cowfish won't harm the other fish, but the thing is he was not stressed, and was...
  12. bbaum33

    A Mystery To Me..

    well see I have egg crate on top plus fans on top of the egg crate plus the canopy on top. I am wondering if it's something in the rock, but if it is why wouldn't it go for the fish and shrimp that are constantly dwelling in the rock.
  13. bbaum33

    A Mystery To Me..

    I am recently new to this hobby, I have had my 75 gallon tank for about 3 months now, and I have made a few expensive mistakes. I have corrected them, and now I am running into a problem that I don't know what is happening. At first, I added to many fish too fast, and did not have alot of hiding...
  14. bbaum33

    I need some help please.

    I guess this was an expensive learning expierence like spanko said. What do you suggest for a qt tank? I am on a limited budget, but what needs to be done, needs to be done.
  15. bbaum33

    I need some help please.

    Wow. That explains alot, thank you so much. I feed them 2 cubes in the morning and 2 cubes at night. I do water changes ever other week, but only 15 gallons. How long can the fish go without eating before it starts becoming starvation? Also, about 4 days ago I started to add the chemical...
  16. bbaum33

    I need some help please.

    I really appreciate the help. Well, I bought the tank from a guy who had it torn down for 2 days, and I had set it up on the 3rd day, it had the same sand, and I added more to it. I tested the tank a day ago and the ammonia wasn't no where near dangerous levels, but I have way more fish in there...
  17. bbaum33

    I need some help please.

    So the tank couldn't handle the bioload basically?
  18. bbaum33

    I need some help please.

    Hello y'all, I have a 75 gallon tank and it has been setup for about 2 months now, and all has been fine until a few days ago. My koran angel, clownfish, sixline wrasse and striped fang blenny have died. The koran, and clownfish you could see a faint white color on them, and the wouldn't eat...
  19. bbaum33

    Need Advice

    Thanks for taking the time to help me out on this situtaion. I really appreciate it. If you go to the inverts page on this site it is the starfish listed as the "Marbled Star." The things is that I purchased the tank from a guy who had it torn down for 2 days, he sold it to me with sand in it...
  20. bbaum33

    Need Advice

    Hello, I am new to this site, let alone this hobby. I have read, and heard many positive things about the people on this site, so I will give it a try. I have a 75 gallon FOWLR tank, and it has been up and running for about 2 months now. The thing I need advice on is about a week and a half ago...