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  1. salt_chick

    Help wth Ph level

    I am going to get an alkalinty test a.s.a.p THe temp in my tank is 77 degrees right now. I tested the Ph at 2:00 and it rose to 8.0. So the first thing I should do is get another power head to increase the waterflow, and get an alkalinty test. Thanks for all your help any suggestions are...
  2. salt_chick

    Help wth Ph level

    Oh thanks bigarn. I'm sorry I should have know that. LOL. I dont have any fish in the tank yet, I have an emerald crab that hitchedhiked and 4 tiny blue leg hermit crabs, and 1 blood shrimp. They all seem content, there eating and the crab seems to have already grown. Thanks again!
  3. salt_chick

    Help wth Ph level

    1. The lights were on for about an hour before I checked it, I'll check it in a few hours and see if it changes. 2.The tank is a 29 bio, and I haven't modified to much I replaced the bio balls with live rock and took out the filter cartridge. 3. It's not a glass cover its a black lid. 4. I'm not...
  4. salt_chick

    Help wth Ph level

    I have a 29 gallon bioube. It's been running for almost 2 weeks now. I tested my water today and everything is right on except for the Ph. My Ph is 7.8 right now, isn't it supposed to be at 8.2? If it is to low how would I safely raise it? Thanks Melissa.
  5. salt_chick

    New to the wonderful world of Nanos

    Thank you guys some much! When I do my water changes would the water I add to the tank be fresh or salt? Spanko - I go to Aquatic Discoveries, Oceans and Sea's and a little place by my house called Stingray Bay. And I did testing today and everything is right on.
  6. salt_chick

    New to the wonderful world of Nanos

    Thank you for all your help! Plan on buying the liquid test kit today. And hopefullly some more live rock. Should I stay away from live rock with growth on it? I wouldn't want to put it in to early. I keep reading to remove the bio balls and sponge is that something I should do? I know I would...
  7. salt_chick

    New to the wonderful world of Nanos

    Hello everyone! My name is Melissa, I recently purchased a 29 gallon Biocube. I have some saltwater experience, but its been a few years. I stumbled across this site and it really made me want to get back into it. So here I am. Any advice would be great. I set up the tank yesterday and put...