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  1. opthomas

    Keeping a stable pH

    My LFS will do alkalinity for me if I bring in a water sample. You can get buffering chemicals there or on this site as well(I saw Kent Pro Buffer DKH). I haven't had to buy any so I can't give you any personal experience on it.
  2. opthomas

    Keeping a stable pH

    Have you measured your alkalinity? It might be low. Its sometimes referred to as a buffer. One of the main chemicals in these reactions is Carbonate. Basically the carbonate can react with acids or bases without greatly increasing or decreasing your pH.
  3. opthomas

    What do you do with old tank Water?

    I personally dump my water into a sanitary sewer rather than a storm drain just because at least it would get some form of treatment, especially since you are dumping microorganisms and possibly algae/inverts that are not indigenous to your area. Invasive algae is a big concern here in Southern...
  4. opthomas

    Need help with tank temperature!!

    Some more info for you guys. I'm kiki's boyfriend (we're talking about the same tank). The heater has settings for temperatures. I haven't been using it. I find that if I do use it the temp skyrockets. I haven't dialed it in, but i set it to 79 and the temp was still climbing. So i'm guessing...
  5. opthomas

    What do you do with old tank Water?

    I'm not sure about septic systems but pouring it down the drain that ties into a municipal sewer should not be a problem. Remember the solution to pollution is dilution. Water softeners and pools draining into municipal wastewater systems will add more salts than you changing your aquarium...
  6. opthomas

    Do I have too many fish in my tank?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Those are the same kits that I use. If you are having tank issues then please start your own thread. We will be more than happy to help! Sorry for the confusion. Kikithemermaid and I share the same tank.
  7. opthomas

    Do I have too many fish in my tank?

    I'm using an API Saltwater Test Kit with: High Range pH Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate and a Salifert Carbonate Hardness/Alkalinity test
  8. opthomas

    Do I have too many fish in my tank?

    Hi, I just registered, I'm kiki's boyfriend. Here's some more info on the tank. 28 gal Hexagonal Clear for life tank Pentair Lifegard AF-94 Mechanical Filter Pentair Lifegard AF-93 Chemical Filter Pentair Lifegard AF-92 Single Heater Pentair Lifegard Q-8 8 Watt UV Sterilizer Current USA 20"...