Search results

  1. killerreef200

    Hawaiian Dragon Eel

    Hawaiian Dragon Eel are so expancive do you now where to get one the one i saw was $1,080.00 and thats a lot of many but there butiful
  2. killerreef200

    are rays reef safe?

    are rays reef safe i saw one site it said yes and another that saind no <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  3. killerreef200

    what kind of fish did i see?

    i like the cow fish
  4. killerreef200

    Blue Starfish Diet?

    yup they eat micro organisams in the water
  5. killerreef200

    what do you feed rays???

    what do you feed sting rays can some one plz tell me im planning to get a ray
  6. killerreef200


    well you should have about 4-5 turbo and maybe some cleaner shrimp but remember that cleaner shrimp eat perisites and dont realy clean the tank
  7. killerreef200


    well you should have a 55gal tank and you should have more then two perclus and each pair one or two anemones for each pair and can you explain what you mean by clean up crew?
  8. killerreef200


    you have to have a good reef tank with anemones you must have anemones or its imposable to breed them
  9. killerreef200

    i need good webs sites for a reef tank and more

    i need good web sites because im new and i realy realy realy want a reef tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz plz reply i know you people are viewing this but still i need help
  10. killerreef200

    whats a good web site to get saltwater fish?

    whats a good web site to get saltwater fish im new and going to get a tank whats a good website???????????????