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  1. tlok

    Leather Coral Help...

    On Sat. I purchased a real nice "Toadstool" Leather coral from my lfs. I placed it about halfway up the tank on my live rock. I now an noticing some white or gray areas starting on the edges of the leather. I'm getting worried .? New to corals... Working with 90 gal tank, lighting is 10k...
  2. tlok

    RO/DI Help

    PHIL1964; The unit has three cannisters and it measures, i would guess about 18in across and 13in high. It may fit under a sink, but it might be somewhat of a pain to get too or work on. I was going to collect my water in a large plastic garbage can with waste water into a bucket, but as of yet...
  3. tlok

    RO/DI Help

    I recently purchased and hooked up a maxima Hi-S 35 gpd unit. My problem is, it recommends a water pressure of 65,and I can only get the pressure up to about 45-50. This causes there to be about 10 times the amount of waste water to RO water. I'm running water from a well. Anyone know a...
  4. tlok

    RO/DI water ??

    I just received a Maxima Hi-S 35gpd RO/DI unit. I'm excited to get it up and running. I plan to use it for topping of my tank, and for mixing my saltwater for water changes. Question: Do I need to add anything, or do anything after the water is run through the unit prior to putting it into my...
  5. tlok

    Need help on corals..

    Thanks for the RO advice, I believe I'll be purchasing one this weekend. In ref to the corals, they do just seem to kind of wither away and go limp?? I also make a lot of trips to That Fish Place, there selection is large. I have one local store in my area which has good quality, just not much...
  6. tlok

    Need help on corals..

    My tank is 90gal with approx 4-5in live sand bed, plenty of live rock and fish that are thriving. I have both actinic and a large metal halide for lighting. I am consistant on my water changes (10% weekly). The problem is I can't seem to keep any corals. I was thinking of investing in an ro-di...
  7. tlok

    power supply for a pendant

    I have a pendant light which is currently not operating because the ballast seems to have "fried". Does anyone know where i can order a ballast for this light, without ordering the whole set-up. It originally came from Energy Savers Unl. and it is 175W 120 V 1.8amps, I checked their site but...
  8. tlok

    Restarting my tank

    I have a 90 gal tank which had been set up for approx 2yrs., started as a reef, but never got too far. Had live sand & rock with some small fish & crabs. Had to tear down due to remodeling. Would now like to really get into it... I restarted tank with same live sand & rock, but the sand and...