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  1. coolcat63

    iam i ready for a cuc???

    yeh, a week is definitally not enough time. i waited about 2 and i thought i was pushing it
  2. coolcat63

    How To Go About Selling A Fish Tank?

    i think im mostly just going to sell the live rock, and possibly the livestock if i can figure out how to ship them out. i'll probably pick this hobby back up in a few years but right now i'm far too busy.
  3. coolcat63

    How To Go About Selling A Fish Tank?

    so i should ask in the classifieds?
  4. coolcat63

    How To Go About Selling A Fish Tank?

    i have a 29gal fish tank and it's costing me to much money so i want to just give up the hobby for a few years. wats the best site to sell it on and how would i go about shipping and such?
  5. coolcat63

    my yellow polyps are withering away

    i wish i knew that b4. i think its too late now
  6. coolcat63

    my yellow polyps are withering away

    i started with about 20 yellow polyps and now there r like 3 left. the others shriveled gray and i guess died off. all my water parameters r perfect and i have 130watt lighting. wat could be doing this?
  7. coolcat63

    29 gal fish only

    i think i'll just keep things the way they r. thanks anyways
  8. coolcat63

    29 gal fish only

    i'm thinking of just starting up a fish only tank with my 29gal and moving my corals 2 a 10gal. wat aggressive fish could i possibly keep in a 29?
  9. coolcat63

    Seaclone protien skimmer

    i think i might just get a remora or something like that cus nothing im doing is working. i'll have 2 wait at least 2 weeks 2 save up cus i just spent a decent amount on lighting. will my corals be fine if i dont have an effective skimmer 4 like a month? i have a colt coral, leather toadstool...
  10. coolcat63

    Seaclone protien skimmer

    thanks 4 the input. how would i go about making/getting a better air valve. and thanks i'll check the tube later 2day
  11. coolcat63

    Seaclone protien skimmer

    sometimes it will collect a decent amount of foam and other times, like now, it will barely collect anything. any reason y this may happen
  12. coolcat63

    leather problem

    not much......i dont really plan on keeping any difficult corals though so i think it's do-able. i keep my leather in direct flow of my rotating powerhead
  13. coolcat63


    ok thanks, i still wanna here input from a few more ppl b4 i make the order
  14. coolcat63

    leather problem

    it is a 65 watt compact light
  15. coolcat63

    leather problem

    the polyps on my leather only come out every now and then and it seems to molt a lot. any reason y this may b happening?
  16. coolcat63


    The only free gift that i can accept with my order would b a clown goby because everything else wouldnt work out. i already have a yellow watchman goby in my 29gal so my question is if they will fight all the time or if they will live peacefully together?
  17. coolcat63

    Brownish Algea

    can any1 recommend a cheap yet efficient RO filter....
  18. coolcat63

    Brownish Algea

    i have a 29 gal tank. my stocklist is 2 false percula clowns 1 royal gramma 1 yellow watchman goby 2 peppermint shrimp 3 turbo snails 1 scarlet reef hermit 11 nassarius snails 1 feather duster I fill up with tap water but i use tap water conditioner b4 i do water changes or top offs. I feed them...
  19. coolcat63

    Brownish Algea

    the tank has been up for about a year and a half. The Parameters are Ph - 8.0 Nitrates - 10 Ammonia - 0 Nitrites - 0 I guess the nitrates may b the problem....I am adding amquel plus to lower this. Any other reasons y this may be occurring?
  20. coolcat63

    Brownish Algea

    I've been noticing a lot of rust colored algea over my sand and starting to go onto the live rock. I always blow the sand around with a turkey baster but it comes back the next day. Any ideas on what may b causing this?