Brownish Algea


I've been noticing a lot of rust colored algea over my sand and starting to go onto the live rock. I always blow the sand around with a turkey baster but it comes back the next day. Any ideas on what may b causing this?


A couple quick questions.
How old is the tank?
What are your parameters?
If it is fairly new, than it could be either a Diatom bloom or Cyanobacteria...


the tank has been up for about a year and a half.
The Parameters are
Ph - 8.0
Nitrates - 10
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
I guess the nitrates may b the problem....I am adding amquel plus to lower this.
Any other reasons y this may be occurring?


I don't think that the nitrates are the main cause...
What's your stock list and how often do you feed?
What type of water do you fill up with? i.e. RO, DI, tap, etc.
How big is the tank?
I don't mean to ask so many questions, just trying to help!


i have a 29 gal tank. my stocklist is
2 false percula clowns
1 royal gramma
1 yellow watchman goby
2 peppermint shrimp
3 turbo snails
1 scarlet reef hermit
11 nassarius snails
1 feather duster
I fill up with tap water but i use tap water conditioner b4 i do water changes or top offs.
I feed them 2 times a day with nutrafin pellets and some freeze dried brine shrimp


Sounds like you're doing everything right... your tank just seems to be going through a Diatom Bloom. I have a new tank going through it and an old one. Just keep up on water changes and maintenence and you should be O.K.! Hope this helps!


New Member
What do you mean by "tap water conditioner"?
If it is stuff you add to your tap water it will not remove phosphates that are in the water.
Phosphate are algae "fertilizer" that are leached into water sources from surface runoff.
If I were you I would consider getting an RO filter, a good RO/DI filter will take care of all the nasty stuff that may be in your water.
Several years ago before I got my RO filter I was always battling algae. Now with my RO I maybe have to scrape the glass on my tanks once every two weeks.


Active Member
Look at the "Airwaterice" folks. just google the name. Their Reefkeeper is good buy for the money. When ordering do get the 75 GPD membrane not the 100. It will provide all you need for your size tank and future tanks for a low cost..........