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  1. bill

    lateral line on blueface

    Well, I had the same dillema, waaay back when when i used to keep angels. Same fish too. Half of his head was pretty much colorless and pitted, he was all messed up. But, I took my chance with him and stuck him with my others. I fed him large amounts of algae and spirulina flake, you are already...
  2. bill

    Lighting for clams

    what do I need? can I get away with an actinic and a 10,000K bulb on a 29 gal. That's what I'm using now with great success. But, I also have no clams. Lookin to do just one clam. Are there any ones better than others. FYI, I am keeping various hammer corals, bubbles, colt, leathers, elegance...
  3. bill

    Leather coral, not opening anymore

    well, the bubble is defintely far enough away so that the sweeper tentacles come no where near the leather. He looks fantastic, just not open. I think I am more stressed than he is, lol. Oh well, I'm sure he'll be fine. Only thing I have yet to check is alkalinity. I will do that tonight. All...
  4. bill

    Leather coral, not opening anymore

    Ok, so what's his problem. This has been happening for the past 4 days or so. I have had it for approx. 6 months, and in those 6 months he has doubled in size, and opened to it's fullest everyday. Nothing has changed in the tank. All other coral are opened fully: other leathers, colt, hammer...