lateral line on blueface


I just purchased a blueface angle(semi adult)that has lateral line on its head now I know your probable saying why buy a fish with lateral line well I payed 15$ for a fish that usally goes for 100$ and the lateral line is not that bad.It's a good eater and acts very happy in its 100gallon home,I feed a varyed deit of frozen foods but my Q is have any of you out there had any expearance in curing this and if so what type of foods would you recammend .I have a lagoonal reef tank and feed fresh clippings of algae from it also.


New Member
Well, I had the same dillema, waaay back when when i used to keep angels. Same fish too. Half of his head was pretty much colorless and pitted, he was all messed up. But, I took my chance with him and stuck him with my others. I fed him large amounts of algae and spirulina flake, you are already on the right track with this. I used to go out and buy pieces of sponge and toss them in too. Because it wasn't a reef tank I also had gone out once a week and would buy a small piece of live rock for them to graze, preferably a piece with a large amount of sponge. This was all supplemented by fresh scallops and clams from the local supermarket. I believe water quality is also essential in this healing process, and you having a reef tank, I'm sure you have impeccable water quality. You're on the right track. IMO it's all diet related. Feed him what he needs and he will get better. In 3 months I had him 75% healed. I wish I had a pic to show, but he was aweful when I got him.


New Member
My SailFin Tang also developed lateral line and from what I found on the net, they suggested soaking the food in "Liquid Gold" before feeding. It worked, the lateral line is healing. Liquid Gold is an excellent vitamin and nutrient supplement by Coralife.
As well, I do the varied diet and lots of algae sheets and blanched broccoli all soaked in the Liquid Gold.
Best of luck.


Staff member
What is "blanched" broccolli? And where do you guys get your algae? Have 2 tangs with lateral line and I am barely making headway with the frozen food varied diet [they get about 7 varieties daily]. I also use a vitimin supplement [Zoe].
I've offerred broccoilli, but they refuse to eat it! The are eating and love rommanne lettuce.
If I could find out what to do to get them to eat brocolli and find somplace that sells algae, I'd do it. I'll look for the Liquid Gold.


Originally posted by beth:
What is "blanched" broccolli? And where do you guys get your algae?
Beth, "blanched" is a cooking term. If you take the the broccoli and put it in boiling water for just a few minutes <you'll see it change color to a hmmmm what's the word?? rich green??> and then take it out and it is blanched.

Beth I got this from a cooking website:
Definition: 1. To plunge food (usually vegetables and fruits) into boiling water briefly, then into cold water to stop the cooking process.
[This message has been edited by MGochay (edited 04-24-2000).]


Staff member
I've been steaming brocolli for a few days, but my tangs and angels don't much care for it [they prefer the romanne]; however, I heard that brocolli was good for HLLE