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  1. riemski

    Silicone Mold for Fragging Plugs

    Check out these molds for making your own plugs. Item #250635365433 on favorite online auction website starting with e.
  2. riemski

    IRC (Indiana Reefers Club)

    Just keeping the thread alive and active. KOgle - Sent you a PM with my email!
  3. riemski

    RO/DI for drinking

    I heard/read somewhere - do not remember - that you should not combine your drinking water with an auto top off/reservoir. Reason being the bacteria growth that occurs in your holding tank will back up into the system and you will in turn be drinking it. Could become harmful. The solution is...
  4. riemski

    RFB's Motorcycle thread

    Until you are riding in the snow on a street bike........ well let the pictues speak
  5. riemski

    Electricity question

    Do you really want to chance losing power to your aquarium? Unless you have some horrible circumstances that prevent running a new circuit, I would pull a circuit for the lights and one for the pumps. This is not an expensive proposition and very cheap insurance that everything will be running...
  6. riemski

    How do you clean your filter socks?

    I have 6 filter socks that I rotate with. I have to change mine out about every 4 days. I turn them inside out and use a garden hose to blast as much out of the sock as I can. I then have qty:2 5 gallon salt buckets with bleach water. One is the "dirty" one and the other the "clean" one...
  7. riemski

    Crab ID

    I did find him in an acro. You are good. I will have to find him in my little 12 gallon now. I put him in that to temporarily house him. I will return him to his happy little coral. Thanks for the help!
  8. riemski

    Crab ID

    Caught this crab in my aquarium. Is it good or bad? What kind? Size - 3/8"-1/2" across. I would like to know ASAP as if he is good I will reintroduce it into the aquarium. Thanks for your help.
  9. riemski

    Skimmer - Possible to skim to much?

    Update - Well not working so well. Nitrates up to 20-40. I will give this another shot being I added a CB Butterfly which probably will throw off my parameters anyway. I have also been feeding heavy making sure the CB eats and adjusts to its new home. I will do a couple 10% water changes a...
  10. riemski

    Recomended Water Change

    10% weekly is best. Small gradual changes are better than drastic ones. I have completed my 10% changes every 6-9 days now for almost a year straight. Plumb up some ball valves and hard plumbing to a drain to make the changes easy. If things are made easy, you are far more likely to do them...
  11. riemski

    Pic of my new Blue Throat Trigger

    130 gallon glass bowfront. Thanks.
  12. riemski

    Pic of my new Blue Throat Trigger

    Just got my new Blue Throat Trigger. What a beauty! He has already cruised the tank and picked out a home. Nobody is even picking on him to bad, yet anyway. Time will tell. Took food immediately, so should be a winner. Keep him eating food and hopefully he will leave my corals alone.
  13. riemski

    Skimmer - Possible to skim to much?

    Thank you as saltnate said. Lots of opinions on every subject, and not all fit everyones setup. One thing that works for somebody, fails for someone else. I just wanted someone with more experience than I to keep me from making a "known" mistake. I will try this skimmer cycling for awhile...
  14. riemski

    Skimmer - Possible to skim to much?

    I have been questioning if i have been skimming to much. Is this possible? I have a 130 gallon bowfront with an ETSS900 skimmer. Now that i am getting enough filter feeders in my system, I was wondering if i should cycle my skimmer on and off. I was thinking 12 hours on, and then feed the...
  15. riemski

    Reactor PH

    What level should the PH be kept at in a calcium reactor? Do you fluctuate the PH to help adjust the levels in the aquarium or change the drip rate to do this? Thanks.
  16. riemski

    What was my Mexican Turbo Snail doing?

    Thanks for everyones comments and insight. I better not tell my wife about this...that snail kept up the duty for 20 minutes!!! That a boy and Next time I will give him some privacy instead of photgraphing.
  17. riemski

    What was my Mexican Turbo Snail doing?

    So am I going to have a bunch of baby turbos? Guess I am going to have to do some xxx research on snails...
  18. riemski

    What was my Mexican Turbo Snail doing?

    This snail was all stretched out and emitting these clouds into the water. This went on for probably 20 minutes. You see the snail in the picture, now picture it taking very deep breathes and then emitting this 'smoke' looking stuff. What was it doing? Is it harmful to other inhabitants?
  19. riemski

    ID on Growth in Sump

    That is good to know they are harmless and beneficial. I use bio-bail in my sump to help eliminate any micro-bubbles getting back into the display tank, and i believe i have thousands of these q-tip sponges in this. I was repositioning the bail and it broke free many of these that went into...
  20. riemski

    ID on Growth in Sump

    These furry little egg looking creatures - what are they? And I cannot believe how tube worms spread - at least that is what I think they are. How do they get in here and grow like this? They apparently do not require much light as my sump is in my basement. Should I start getting rid of...