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  1. golfer

    Women's gymnastics... What the heck!!

    The judges must be getting paid off real well from China. Personally this thing is all politics and some of it has to be rigged. Canada should have won gold in mens trampoline, but instead gets silver. And of course China gets the gold with more mistakes then any of them!! Any sport that is...
  2. golfer

    Misc Powerheads

    Hello. Would you ship to Canada? And how much would shipping be? I am interested Ryan
  3. golfer

    I paid $40 for a tank of gas!

    I dont know what your complaining about. I live in Alberta, Canada and we are paying $1.35 a LITRE yes a litre. That works out to $5.10 a gallon. It cost me $67 to fill up my 2005 mustang. Its a total joke. And Alberta has the oilsands and we are still paying this. Its the government if you ask me.