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  1. brian4274

    2x150w or 2x250w?

    If you go with the 250 you need to consider the heat.
  2. brian4274

    Please Help!!! These have been killing my star polyps. Its not Aiptasia or Majano

    These little brown looking things have been killing my polyps slowly. What are they and what can i do to effectivly remove them
  3. brian4274

    What is this on my rock?

    is cyno bad?
  4. brian4274

    What is this on my rock?

    This doesnt look like anything i have ever seen at any of the lfs's. I dont know if you can tell from picks but it almost looks like it is kind of fuzzy. I cant scratch it of with my fingers. the other rocks have coraline aglea, but its purple. this stuff is red. Description of tank, 72gal...
  5. brian4274

    Frog spawn coral acting crazy

    thanks nydr i will try that thank you for the detail in the solution
  6. brian4274

    Frog spawn coral acting crazy

    its a 72 bowfront with the model 2 sump
  7. brian4274

    Frog spawn coral acting crazy

    he is prob about 18 inch right under light
  8. brian4274

    Frog spawn coral acting crazy

    This frogspawn was my first coral in my tank. i feed every two days and my cal is right on. here is what it does. during the day when metal halids are on the dang thing recedes into the stalks. when the light goes of and the attinics stay on it will slowly come out and remain out. it even...