Search results

  1. brijean

    Dirty sand problem.

    Sand Sifting Crab - Group of 5 for $6.99 on this site . as for hermits i have 6 in a 55 gal
  2. brijean

    Dirty sand problem.

    Sand Sifting Crab this might work better in a small tank like yours I do not have any but it tell of the same thing as the starfish and what about some small hermit crabs they love to eat the stuff out of the sand also
  3. brijean

    Dirty sand problem.

    Sand Sifting Starfish my sand in all three of my tanks was just like yours untill i put a Sand Sifting Starfish they do wonders
  4. brijean


    cant you wait till U get a much bigger tank to put tangs in
  5. brijean

    Saltwater Mollies/Platy's

    I cycled with mollys and green puffers both a brackish fish they did great and they are in a 10 gal tank still been a half a year they are still alive and well and they eat like pigs
  6. brijean

    let me know let me know quick quick

    I really think everyone on here will tell you the same same that bigger is better
  7. brijean

    turbofloter1000 vs. octopus nw150

    Ok is there any HOB skimmers that are good ?? got 2 55 gal tanks please tell me theres someone that makes a good one
  8. brijean

    turbofloter1000 vs. octopus nw150

    what you guys think of the red sea Prizm Deluxe HOB skimmers??????
  9. brijean

    Great Deal!!!

    25 bucks what a deal if they are CB let me know i want to add them
  10. brijean

    High PH - why?

    hey Mr X I use instant ocean also and also going to go reef next year I was wondering whats wrong with instant ocean? and i take it that its safe to jump from one salt mix to useing something else??? please let me know cuz its that time i got to go buy a few 5 gal buckets of salt and thanks
  11. brijean

    sad video

    yeah just found that post but it looks really to small for that shark but thats what i think , poor thing didnt have much room at all
  12. brijean

    sad video

    as most of us try real hard not to harm any kind of fish or inverts I was surfing youtube tonight and came across this video this person has large angels large tangs and a eel and at the end of the video you see a shark in what i think is a 30 gal tank
  13. brijean

    tiny seahorses

    where can you get some of these Dwarf seahorses??????
  14. brijean

    HumaHuma Picasso Trigger Fish

    thanks guys I have to many inverts in my tanks so i guess i keep looking forsomething else to add
  15. brijean

    HumaHuma Picasso Trigger Fish

    hey guys whats your thoughts on a HumaHuma Picasso Trigger Fish seen alot of youtube vids having these fish with everything from loinfish eels tangs and angels clowns I know there profile saying that they are Aggressive and wondering how all these people are getting away with putting...
  16. brijean

    =( stupid person

    thats a really sick video I just dont understand why someone would do that and i thought i was a bad person for putting a naso in a 55 gal
  17. brijean

    Powerhead placement

    I dont know what your going to put in your tank but if you plan on a Anemone i would put the powerheads very close to the top i had one power head suck up a long ten Anemone and do some really good damage to it so just something to think about there
  18. brijean

    Large Brittle Star

    my lfs has this large brit stars from time to time and every time they do is cuz someone traded it in cuz it was killing everything in the tank so id watch it closely if i were you
  19. brijean


    i guess swf doesnt sell it or is it called something else on this web site?? if not where else could i get some ?
  20. brijean


    help me out here whats a cheato? would love to add it to my sump