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  1. mscenter58

    MSCenter58's 55 gallon diary

    new lights posting pics in a few let me know what you think
  2. mscenter58

    MSCenter58's 55 gallon diary

    well i finally got the tank and its been set up for a couple weeks now i will b posting pics let me know what you think
  3. mscenter58

    MSCenter58's 55 gallon diary

    anybody who has a 55 gallon tank i would love to see some pics of ur set up post them here
  4. mscenter58

    55 gallon

    yea i think im gonna add a SFE, a yellow tang and maybe a huma huma trigger or a bi color angel?
  5. mscenter58

    55 gallon

    can you put blennies in with a snow flake eel? cuz yea i was def considering the snowflake
  6. mscenter58

    55 gallon

    well im upgrading from a 20 gallon nano fowlr to a 55 fowlr tank and i was just wondering: some stocking suggestions that would be compatable with a royal gramma magenta dottyback and a valentini puffer also how many pounds of live rock and live sand should i have what kind of lighting Any...
  7. mscenter58

    MSCenter58's 55 gallon diary

    ok idk if any of you have read my other thread but yes im upgrading from a 20 gallon to a 55 gallon mainly becuase parameters are easier to keep and there are alot more fish choices that you can keep in a 55. Also i need some ideas on a stock list right now i have a royal gramma, magenta...
  8. mscenter58

    20 gal to 55 gal

    yea its going where the 20 is now and would a 5 gallon be big enough to house the three fish for that period of time?
  9. mscenter58

    20 gal to 55 gal

    alright well curently i have a 20 gal tank up and running its a FOWLR i have about 15-20 pounds of lr and about 30 pounds or ls but in about a month im going to be upgrading to a 55 and i was just wondering what would be the easiest way to do the transfer succesfully with out loosing any of my...
  10. mscenter58

    New Fish

    well i have a 20 gallon and its been up almost a year now but i still dont have much in it just a a camelback shrimp and some kinda damsel so i was thinking about adding fish what would u suggest for maybe a dwarf angel or some kind of wrasse any input is helpful thanks.
  11. mscenter58

    New Nano

    haha i still dont have enough for coral lol coral around here is like 60 bucks a frag thats like 2-3 inches idk if thats good but seems pretty expensive 2 me
  12. mscenter58

    Harlequin shrimp

    yea they do haha yea i read they ate starfish i was just wondering if there was an alternate food for them but i guess not?
  13. mscenter58

    New Nano

    yupp thats true i might set up another littler tank for corals cause i got a 50/50 for a 5 gallon and tthanks redsea
  14. mscenter58

    Harlequin shrimp

    i just want to know if anyone has kept one of these succesfully and if so.. $what did you feed it and is it worth the money any info will be great thanks.
  15. mscenter58

    choc. chip star...questions regarding them

    ive had mine for about 3 months for a star he moves alot and i put algea sheets in there for my fish and the star attaches him self to the algea it is a great addition to the tank and yea mine has no corals in it so i could answer if eats coral or not
  16. mscenter58

    New Nano

    well it might be i just need to get a job to make some money to pay for my corals haha that will b soon
  17. mscenter58

    New Nano

    thanks going to the store in a lil hopefully picking up something nice ill post updates when i get back
  18. mscenter58

    New Nano

    well i got about 4 pounds more of live rock and took some updated pics let me no what you think...
  19. mscenter58


    thanks for the tips yea ive heard bta's are the least demanding....