Search results

  1. statto

    Clowns Fighting

    Hello all Ive had my tank up and running for almost a year now Its a 100Gal tank, just fish & clean up crew, live rock etc I have 2 Pyjama Cardinals 2 Orange/white clowns 2 Black/white clowns 1 Yellow tang They have been living together very well for about 9 months now, but, the last couple of...
  2. statto

    Nitrate Filters

    So no constructive experience/opinion on nitrate filters then? Statto
  3. statto

    Nitrate Filters

    Hello All Does anyone use any type of Nitrate filter? Ive seen this filter advertised and wondered if anyone has any experience of it or anything similar. Cheers Statto
  4. statto

    Dangerous Nitrate levels

    Hello all I have read that the 'comfortable' nitrate levels for fish only tanks is no more than 40ppm and for tanks containing inverts its 10ppm Firstly, is this correct? Secondly, when you talk about tanks containing inverts are you talking about shrimps and crabs and the such like? Cheers Statto
  5. statto

    Nitrogen in hood

    Hello all Thanks for your replies! Cheers Statto
  6. statto

    Nitrogen in hood

    Hello all Been to my LFS today and he mentioned that I should have either my front or rear lid flap up for a couple of days a week to help get rid of the nitrogen that is created, if not it can be re-absorbed into the water and increase the nitrates Is this correct? Cheers Statto
  7. statto

    False Percs and Black/White Percs

    Hello All, I have just started putting livestock in my 90Gal tank A friend of mine is giving me his fish as he is breaking down his tank, here is what I will be getting over the comming weeks 2 False Percs (Already in my tank) 2 Pyjama Cardinals 1 Blue Damsel 1 Blenny (not sure what type) 1...
  8. statto

    clown fish acting very strange

    Hello, This is my humble opinion on the matter Nitrates too high Salinity too low Do water changes, small and often to get your salinity up to about 1.025/26 (Maybe 5% water change per day for two weeks) (buy a refractometer as they are much more accurate than hydrometers) This should also help...
  9. statto

    Fire Shrimp and Cleaner Shrimp?

    How do you know you are keeping the shrimp 'well fed'? Cheers Statto
  10. statto


    Hello all, My tank has just finished its initial cycle (approx 2 months) Im looking at getting a couple of shrimp varieties I like the look of a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) and a Fire Shrimp (Lsymata Debelius) My question is, are these shrimp happy on their own or do I need to buy...
  11. statto

    "differential temperature"

    Hello Vince, Differential is also called hysterisis What this means is the point ta which the heating/cooling will turn on For example, if you set your heating at 80 with a diff of 5 it will turn on at 75 so as you have said you want 77deg, with the heater comming on at 76 and the chiller...
  12. statto

    Stray Voltage Question

    All equipment will have a 'leakage' of a greater or lesser degree Even tank lights can induce a voltage into the water It doesnt really matter how much stray voltage is in your tank as long as it is reduced to zero when you fit a grounding probe. Basically if you have a proper electrical...
  13. statto

    Water Test Kits

    Hello All In your experience what is the best test kit/make to use? Cheers Statto
  14. statto

    Cycling / Algae

    Originally Posted by prime311 You are, but theres no point in doing them while your cycling. Some of the beneficial bacteria that is the primary component of cycling is forming in the water column and by removing water you are slowing down the cycle process. Now if you want to keep nitrates...
  15. statto

    Cycling / Algae

    Originally Posted by maxalmon Was the LR fully cured, or did it come out of a box and into the tank? Usually not a good idea to do a waterchange while cycling a tank unless the AM readings are off the chart and you have cured LR. I'm going to guess that the tank has not cycled or has only gone...
  16. statto

    Cycling / Algae

    Originally Posted by prime311 1> You're tank is still cycling. The live rock obviously has dieoff which is shown by the small ammonia spike on the 30th. The dieoff is keeping ammonia at a steady level. 2> See #1 3> Let it grow Also, as max said don't do a water change at this point. High...
  17. statto

    Cycling / Algae

    Hello all Just trying to cycle my 90Gal tank I put 65Lb of live sand in the tank on 19th Sept My first batch of 45Lb Live Rock went in on 24th Sept My second batch of 45Lb Live Rock went in on 29th Sept Here are my test results Day Date [hr] Salinity--Temp--PH----ALK [hr] Total Amonia...
  18. statto

    Stray voltages

    Hello all, Im new to all this (just waiting in for my 1st delivery of LR then gonna start to cycle my tank) I have detected a stray voltage in my tank of 130V AC to earth (I live in England and our domestic supply is 240V AC) with very low current (otherwise I wouldnt be here to type this post!)...
  19. statto


    Hello All I have just started to cycle my 90Gal tank and have just fitted my protein skimmer (HOB) It has a basket on the outlet to hold some carbon Just a few questions 1) When should I add this carbon? 2) Should I rinse the carbon before adding it? 3) What will the carbon actually do? 4) How...
  20. statto

    Cloudy Water
