Nitrogen in hood


Hello all
Been to my LFS today and he mentioned that I should have either my front or rear lid flap up for a couple of days a week to help get rid of the nitrogen that is created, if not it can be re-absorbed into the water and increase the nitrates
Is this correct?


Active Member
Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen, so that shouldn't be a concern whether or not the hood is up or down.

bang guy

Camfish is right on, typical air contains about 78% Nitrogen. I would worry about the competance of anyone that would give such advice.


Active Member
I'm going to assume the LFS was way off, and what he meant was:
If you don't have proper airflow over your tank, carbon dioxide (CO2) can build up, which can affect pH.
If that's not what he meant, he's an idiot. We all dream of the day that ammonia and nitrite can be turned into nitrogen gas, as it would make the nitrogen cycle much easier to manage.


Active Member
He was just making things up to make himself look smarter imo. I'm not gonna lie, I do that sometimes


Active Member
either way if it is true or not. i have a open top aquarium. so im not to worried about it. and you probably should be either since its not like your hood is air tight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Camfish is right on, typical air contains about 78% Nitrogen. I would worry about the competance of anyone that would give such advice.

no doubt.
while having good air exchange can allow offgassing of ammonia from its highly volatile liquid state into atmospheric air, thus leaving marginally less behind to break down into nitrates and nitrites, the amount isnt going to be highly signifigant. if your hood was so restricting I would worry about oxygen/CO2 content before anything as silly as nitrogen from the air.


Active Member
Wow that is one of the best ones I have heard in a long time. I am an the IAQ buisness and that is right up there with "I can smell the mold" and "There is asbestos in here" (in a brand new building). I would suggest this guy go and take a basic science class or two.