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  1. roockie

    sorry no pic

    thank you i thought they were snail eggs but i wasn't sure. are cortez snails the same as nerites? cause my lfs sold them to me calling them cortez snails, thanks again on the id
  2. roockie

    sorry no pic

    like stated above i have no pic but there are alot of white specks on the glass and they dont move. its looks like as if you slice an egg in half there is kind of a outer membrane and a inner blob within it but i have to scraped it off to get them out. any help is appreciated
  3. roockie

    Subielover's Biocube 14 Diary

    what is the name of the coral in the sixth picture?
  4. roockie

    koran angel is lookin a lil pale

    well i only had one and i was told that it was a koran but someone came by and told me that it was a juvi emperor but now all this doesn't matter i went to eat dinner and came back to find that the emperor, false percula pair and my emerald crab died i checked the water the params. were ammon. 0...
  5. roockie

    koran angel is lookin a lil pale

    scratch that my juvi emperor angel isn't looking too bright
  6. roockie

    koran angel is lookin a lil pale

    my koran angel isnt looking too well it used to have pretty bold colors but it looks like if its fading a little any help?
  7. roockie

    new tank

    well yeah it does get hot the tank gets like 80 degrees and up
  8. roockie

    new tank

    what about like protein skimmers and chillers and other lil gadgets
  9. roockie

    new tank

    i just got a 12 gal nano cube what kinds of hardware should i be using?