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  1. psf

    28g JBJ HQI Nanocube

    Kevin, Just got mine set up about two months ago. I can highly recommend this nano. I have looked at some of the others, but I wanted the MH lighting. I am hoping someone will come out with the same concept around 60 gal. I like the all-in-one concept. I did everything by the book. LR and...
  2. psf


    I wanted a Golden Moray also, but $$$, and they pretty much stay hidden most of the time. Got two Convict Blennies instead. They are not eels, but very ell like. i have two in my nano 28 and they eat anything and will get only about 12". Will prob have to remove one, but should be ok with...
  3. psf

    Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

    Originally Posted by AcroShark im interested in owning a biocube HQI someday and just want to know if you can get away with not having a chiller? I set up my first tank, a 28 HQI, and ordered a chiller within a week. Unless you can live with 82 to 83 water, just bite it and get one. I got...