

Are there any reef safe eels that could be kept in a 29gal tank? I know there are not many if any but was just curious. Would have to be reef safe if there are as that is the type of tank I have.


Active Member
well you can keep an eel in a 29g but like a snowflake i guess. but idk if it will be ok with the shrimp or so.

coral keeper

Active Member
A snowflake gets WAY WAY WAY too big for a 29 gall, they get around 3 feet. The only eel you can keep in a 29 gall is a dwarf eel. A Golden dwarf eel would work perfectly for a 29 gall if its going to be the only fish in there. But they are a few hundred dollars each.


Active Member
ixnay on the SFE (sorry to be against all your recent posts), get a golden dwarf moray... if you look hard enough you can get one for $125 and not $350 like most sites list them at... they look good, don't mess with ANY fish or inverts and onlyget 12 inches and as big around as a thicker pen. That's the only TRUE reef safe eel. Most will only eat things off a feeding stick in captivity. A buddy of mine has one with his smaller gobies and shrimp for a year now and no incidents.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
A snowflake gets WAY WAY WAY too big for a 29 gall, they get around 3 feet. The only eel you can keep in a 29 gall is a dwarf eel. A Golden dwarf eel would work perfectly for a 29 gall if its going to be the only fish in there. But they are a few hundred dollars each
Too bad I can't post links, I see one now for $125. Most are $150 if you look in the right places. My expensive LFS only listed theirs for $180.

coral keeper

Active Member
The problem with keeping a dwarf eel in a 29 gall is that they produce a large bioload, so you really can't keep any other fish in there. Unless you got very very good filtration then you can add a gobie or something that produce's a very little bit of bioload.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
The problem with keeping a dwarf eel in a 29 gall is that they produce a large bioload, so you really can't keep any other fish in there. Unless you got very very good filtration then you can add a gobie or something that produce's a very little bit of bioload.
ever kept a dwarf eel? they don't add much to a bioload. About the same as a clownfish. They eat 3 small food items a week.


Thanks for the info everyone. May be time to buy another tank soon so I can have a tank with preds
I was hoping there could be something available I could add but I know 29gals is also a small tank still and not to much can be done with it like I would love to do!


New Member
I wanted a Golden Moray also, but $$$, and they pretty much stay hidden most of the time. Got two Convict Blennies instead. They are not eels, but very ell like. i have two in my nano 28 and they eat anything and will get only about 12". Will prob have to remove one, but should be ok with just one and my long nose hawkfish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psf
I wanted a Golden Moray also, but $$$, and they pretty much stay hidden most of the time. Got two Convict Blennies instead. They are not eels, but very ell like. i have two in my nano 28 and they eat anything and will get only about 12". Will prob have to remove one, but should be ok with just one and my long nose hawkfish.
$150 isn't alot for a golden moray, I don't know what you're talking about... ever seen one in person? they're worth the money. and engineer gobies/convict blennies/whatever get big around and produce ALOT of waste and mess with the rockwork.