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  1. spider9376

    Mushroom Coral

    Originally Posted by luvmyreef Well, mushrooms feed thru photosynthesis, but will benefit from microplankton. They tend to do well under low to mod flow and lighting. My red mushrooms are huge and I add kent microvert, etc to my tank. I have noticed that when the flow is too strong, they will...
  2. spider9376

    Mushroom Coral

    Do you feed Mushroom Coral or do they just feed off the water? mine are not looking like they feel good, they are maroon in color and were the size of a nickle but now the size of a dime, not looking good at all. Thanks Ben
  3. spider9376

    Tree Coral

    here is another and maybe clearer pic.
  4. spider9376

    Tree Coral

    Hay guys, If a Tree coral turns white that use to be pink, is it bad. it is the bigger tree on the right. the small one has the pinkish color still. It don't seem like it is growing. Thanks. Ben
  5. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    ok Mark I will remember that.
  6. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    I meant SUPER thanks LOL I guess it takes an Oklahoma background to tell another Oklahoman how to spell.
  7. spider9376

    Tube like worm

    Can anyone tell me what they think this is for sure
  8. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    Thanks Mark, I went to the web site and read about them and it was good news. Thanks again Mark your supper.
  9. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    Mark I have paintshop 9 and Photoshop CS2 V.9 but I just didn't know how to get the pic in there from SWF. Thanks again Ben
  10. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    R the Vermetid snail harmful or what do they do?
  11. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    Thanks Mark, maybe some one will know. Ben
  12. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    if not asking to much, can u tell me the steps to do that?
  13. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    How did u do that with that pic, puting a black circle around the tube? that is so cool.
  14. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    Mark here's another pic maybe better than the one before.
  15. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    Hay Mark, I have no clue what the tube thing is sticking out of the LR. But I have them all over my 55Gal, some r short and some long, none over 1/4" long. I thought they was just part of the L/R, Do I need to be concern? thanks
  16. spider9376

    Emerald Crab

    Has anyone ever seen a Emerald Crab like to get his picture taken, He likes me feeding him aswell, He is so funny, Not like any other Crab I've had.
  17. spider9376

    Marine Snow

    okie dokie A really Big THANKS to all.
  18. spider9376

    Marine Snow

    did not take it that way,it's all good, I just did that when my son took the other tank, I was going to take them down anyway and you know how time gets by LOL, Still wondering what to feed my coral, You guys r great.
  19. spider9376

    Marine Snow

    I know, I had a Hospital tank before my son got it but he didn't get my temp gage or my mag, and yes the temp is the same, I didn't know how egly it look with all that until I seen it in the pic's they will be off before I go to bed. Thanks.
  20. spider9376

    Marine Snow

    Another one,