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  1. floridareefer

    getting started with corals

    Do also test alkalinity, calcium, salinity/specific gravity. I also periodically check magnesium. Books: Julian Sprung, Corals, A Quick Reference Guide Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung, The Reef Aquarium, Vol 1 - 3 Michael S. Paletta, The New Marine Aquarium, Step-by-Step Setup & Stocking...
  2. floridareefer

    Cammo Shrimp for Aiptasia?

    I didn't know they look alike but I am sure they're peppermints. They're from ORA, aquacultered. Been getting sound specimens and advice from them for 3 years and other peppermints. They don't have camels; maybe because they can't be aquacultered? Thanks again.
  3. floridareefer

    Random Reefkeeping 5

    I can sympathize with your tragic sink-or-swim excursion into the dreaded skimmer overflow in the wee hours. I have had multiple skimmer-related overflows; user error, no doubt. In my three years with reef tanks I've learned to laabel everything! When something goes awry, you don't have time...
  4. floridareefer

    Cammo Shrimp for Aiptasia?

    I have 15 peppermint shrimp in this 180 gal tank (10 went in yesterday). I hope this will help. I've tried two bottles of Joe's Juice and several applications by syringe of pickling lime . . . over the past two years . . . with no result. Thanks for the info about camel shrimp; that was...
  5. floridareefer

    Red Algae out of control

    In both my 180 gal and my 90 gal reef tanks I've struggled with an unidentified red algae. It's only in the two towers in the 180 gal and I recently added a long-spined sea urchin into one tower at the suggestion of my aquarium shop owner to see if that slows it down. The 90 gal is a much...
  6. floridareefer

    Cammo Shrimp for Aiptasia?

    A friend said she heard something called cammo shrimp might help eat up nasty aiptaisia. Anyone familiar with this shrimp/does this work? Thanks. Floridareefer