Cammo Shrimp for Aiptasia?


New Member
A friend said she heard something called cammo shrimp might help eat up nasty aiptaisia. Anyone familiar with this shrimp/does this work?


I think he said Camel shrimp not cammo shrimp. aka Camelback shrimp. I would not go with those because they will mess with your corals and maybe eat them. If you want shrimp to get rid of the apistia anenome I would go with the peppermint shrimp. Or Joes juice or inject them with a kalkwasher mix.


New Member
I have 15 peppermint shrimp in this 180 gal tank (10 went in yesterday). I hope this will help. I've tried two bottles of Joe's Juice and several applications by syringe of pickling lime . . . over the past two years . . . with no result. Thanks for the info about camel shrimp; that was helpful and I won't try them.


Where did you get the peppermints from? Make sure thet are Peppermint shrimp not Camelback shrimp because they both look alike.


New Member
I didn't know they look alike but I am sure they're peppermints. They're from ORA, aquacultered. Been getting sound specimens and advice from them for 3 years and other peppermints. They don't have camels; maybe because they can't be aquacultered? Thanks again.