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  1. noble5328

    Feather Duster Unhappy?

    I bought a new Feather Duster on Friday at the lfs and since then have not seen its crown. I put it in my tank on Friday and watched it all weekend, it hasn't extended at all. I thought it died, (My other one I can feel the worm in the tube, but this one as far as I can reach it I can't)...
  2. noble5328

    Aggressive clownfish attacks / bites ur hand?

    I have 3 clowns in my tank and my littlest one has attitude, if I move stuff around too much he bites my arm - first time he did it I almost jumped out of my skin - didn't know they bite. Like you said didn't really hurt but you do feel it. Hoping the bigger one doesn't start biting.
  3. noble5328

    12 Gallon Eclipse...Help

    I had the same tank and recently upgraded, I used the stock filter but changed it weekly. I had 2 clowns in it, and a firefish and red shrimp + snails and crabs and it did great. I did try some mushrooms and some zoas and they did ok but I ran stock lighting and when I moved them to my new...
  4. noble5328

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    I am pretty new to saltwater (6 mo's). Your tank is awesome, I love all the color. In post #69 the top picture, you have something that looks kinda like daisy flowers, I have some of these but don't know what they are called, mine are on too big of a rock and I would like to split it up in a...