Aggressive clownfish attacks / bites ur hand?


Question about my clownfish, he's nuts whenever I put my hand in the tank to move ---- around or whatever he tries to attack me, he bites me lol he darts at me and bites ......... WTF did i do to him? Any1 else's clownfish act like this?
it doesnt hurt at all but annoying, any1 deal with this and figure out a way to teach him 2 stop? lol


Active Member
Clowns are members of the damsel family .... very territorial, and yes .. they will bite the hand that feeds them!


yea my other clown didnt do that, this one does...
Maybe over time he'll stop........... little jerk LOL


Active Member
I have to cage my male ocellaris every time I put my hands in the tank.
Over time, he's learned, and now just the presence of the cage is enough to dissuade him from approaching my hand.


I might have to try that lol
Why do you have to cage them? annoyance or safety reasons? r they big or something and actually do damage? lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by kromix
I might have to try that lol
Why do you have to cage them? annoyance or safety reasons? r they big or something and actually do damage? lol
They can do damage .... I think Bang Guy had a pic to prove it.


New Member
hahaha this is so funny my clown fish does the same thing but only when i have something that is green such as an algae scraper or the fish net!! and hes mean he doesnt give up i usually have to take him out if i want to clean the glass real well


only 1 way to take care of it, show him whos boss. Next time he tries to punk you, you sock him straight between the eyes and knock his ass out.. teach him whos boss around town.


My friend has a pair of maroon clowns and the femals attacks him hard too. He doesn't mind it. My damsel got me quite a few times so he now lives in hubby's tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by kromix
I might have to try that lol
Why do you have to cage them? annoyance or safety reasons? r they big or something and actually do damage? lol
This is an ocellaris under 2", so I'm not worried about permanent damage.
But maintenance takes three times as long when your hand is getting pinched every 5 seconds.


New Member
I have 3 clowns in my tank and my littlest one has attitude, if I move stuff around too much he bites my arm - first time he did it I almost jumped out of my skin - didn't know they bite. Like you said didn't really hurt but you do feel it. Hoping the bigger one doesn't start biting.