Search results

  1. reefaddict

    Red Slime Algae

    Does anyone know any medicine that will kill or get rid of this red slime in my 65 gal tank. Water changes have been done and all water test check out.
  2. reefaddict

    Niger Trigger

    Will Blue Niger Trigger mess or eat my Condylactis Anemone? The anemone is the only thing in this tank.
  3. reefaddict

    Any reefers from NC

    I am from High Point, NC and I am driving to Charlotte and Raleigh to get decent corals at the fair price. If you live in NC where do you shop? :)
  4. reefaddict


    Six Line is what I have read and herd about. I think it would be a safe bet. :)
  5. reefaddict

    thoughts on the Red Sea Prizm protein skimmer please

    Everyone that has complained about the Prizm being loud. I am tellling you if you email red sea they wiil give you a 18 blade prop. that will quiten it down and make it more efficient. There service is awesome, I had my free part in less than a week. :)
  6. reefaddict

    Stocking question

    Molly, that is the same size tank I started with two years ago. I had one Cardnial, two gobies, and a clown fish with a large anemone. I got a 50/50 strip light for lighting and used a Prizm skimmer. I have to say the only draw back was the size of the tank. I got a 65 gal tank for Christmas and...
  7. reefaddict


    I purchased a Green Pectinia at a great LFS. It has been doing great in the tank for about two weeks. I did a water change two days ago and of course decided to move things around a little. Well you know how this goes :rolleyes: While moving the Pectinia it felt slimy, didn't think much about...
  8. reefaddict

    thoughts on the Red Sea Prizm protein skimmer please

    I have had a prizm for about a year now. At first I had it on 29gal reef in the bedroom and it was loud. I emailed red sea and they shipped me a new 18 blade propellar free. It had originally came with a 12 blade prop.that comes with it. This 18 blade prop. quitened it down alot. It also seems...
  9. reefaddict

    Question on my tank/Good or Bad?

    Fla Keys, this is a good sign. The reef is now becoming alive. Let it live :) I just went through this with my 65gal reef tank. The brown algae was diatoms and that is normal. The green algae bloom was handled by using a phosphate removal bag that I got a a LFC. I left it in for four days and...
  10. reefaddict


    Don't give up on him!!!! I have had an anemone for over a year in my bedroom reef tank (29g) It did the same thing for almost three days now it is spectacular. I feed it twice a week. I have read that's where people mess up is due to overfeeding. Just give him time and I think he will make a...
  11. reefaddict

    What's your favorite coral?

    I am wanting to add a coral to the center point of my 65g reef tank. What is your favorite corals? I think this will help quite a few people that want to add a coral and are running out of room. :cool:
  12. reefaddict

    Clams? and lighting

    Does anyone here keep clams in their reef tanks without having MH lighting. I have 3 96watt PC lights for a 65g tank. The pc lights came from AH Supply and they have a serious reflector (very bright)All corals are doing awesome and fish as well. Curious about clams and what kind could I get with...
  13. reefaddict

    Feeding Hairy Mushroom and Star Polyps????

    NM Reef do you also feed your lobophyllia? I have one and it's doing great but the LFS saifd it feeds off phtoplankton but I have read and heard different. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />
  14. reefaddict

    White coraline?

    My coraline algae also turned white in my 29 gal reef tank before upgrading to 65 gal tank. The water flow is so important as well as calcium. I would definately get a calcium tester. By the way coraline algae turned back purple after a couple of months.
  15. reefaddict

    Need more info ASAP ref lobo issue

    ijji, phosphates are at 0, but thanks for the info. Lord of the reef thanks also, I just hate seeing such a beautiful creation look like that. I feel better now and will be patient. :)
  16. reefaddict

    check it out!

    Hey Lord fo the reef can you reespond to my post in ref to lobophyllia. By the way, I am glad your back to being helpful :)
  17. reefaddict

    Need more info ASAP ref lobo issue

    I purchased a beautiful lobophyllia at lfs and it did great for two days. I then changed lihting on the reef tank and she all of a sudden withdrew showing her skelton. She has yet to come back out fully. Her color still looks good. I moved her to the ottom of 65 gal high reef tank last night to...
  18. reefaddict

    Green Brittle star - Good or bad

    Yes, but I did just move him to a new reef tank and I don't think he has been eating like he was inth older tank. Until he caught the fish I mean :-)
  19. reefaddict

    Green Brittle star - Good or bad

    Funny you should ask this. I went home last night and my wife said I only had three chromis fish in the tank and she knew I had four. I looked to see if I could find it and sure enough, there it was in the grasp of the green brittle star. I have had the green star for over two years and this is...
  20. reefaddict

    lobophyllia issue

    I purchased a beautiful lobophyllia at lfs and it did great for two days. I then changed lihting on the reef tank and she all of a sudden withdrew showing her skelton. She has yet to come back out fully. Her color still looks good. I moved her to the ottom of 65 gal high reef tank last night to...