

What is the best kind of wrasse to put in a tank with shrimps and crabs???? I have heard that some kinds of wrasses will eat inverts. If I get a wrasse what do I need to feed him????

nm reef

Active Member
A 6-line wrasse would be a good safe choice....I do have a red coris wrasse and its been said that it will get rather large and will munch my snails and crabs...but so far no problem(been in ths system for 9+ months)....as for feeding them...well mine will eat virtually anything offered....not a very picky eater at all.....


New Member
a fairy wrasse is also a good inhabitant along with the six line. look at their mouths (seriously) that gives you a clue on the damage they can do. have had a fairy wrasse for 3 years and cohabitats very well will shrimp and snails.


I got a yellow wrasse... about 3 1/2 inches. love him. brilliant yellow color. very docile. never seen bothering any of the inverts (shrimps/crabs/snails). had him for about 8 months now. He looks more and more beautiful the longer I have him. i actually scared him couple weeks ago and he jumped out of the small hole out of the canopy! yeah, what are the chances right?! he fell behind the tank and must have been there for about 2 or 3 minutes before i was able to pick him up again. i threw him back in the tank, he was covered in dust and dirt’s of sort, he looked dead for a few secs in the water, then slowly started coming to self... he went to sleep almost immediately and slept for about two days straight. third day he was as beautiful as always before. I really like this wrasse species.