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  1. boeks

    Clownfish acting wierd!!

    Hi, for 2 weeks now my clown is acting weird. He's loosing his colour, lay's on the bottom of the tank acting likes he's dead, and at the moment is swimming in circles. When this started we thought we would be getting eggs, but not anymore. He still eats and swims around. His pair doesn't...
  2. boeks

    Show off your Clowns!

    Marvin and Coral our cute clownies
  3. boeks

    Do clowns dig?

    My 2 clowns don't dig, didn't actually know they did, they both sleep in the top corner by the pump. But my blue damsel 'Bluey' digs all the time. He's amazing. All the liverock fall down because of the amount of digging he does. When it looks like he's done, we put the chips back under the...
  4. boeks

    What are good starter/peaceful anemones?

    What is a BTA? Our anemone lasted about 6 months, moved around the tank the whole time, and our clowns never went near it. would love to get an anemone that the clowns would host.
  5. boeks


    they are both aggressive fish. we had our damsel in the tank first, and then added the clownfish. it was like a war ground. our clown's fins had pieces missing in parts. it took about a week and they both relaxed and became used to each other. they have been in the tank together for a year...
  6. boeks

    Clownfish acting wierd!!

    I've had my saltwater tank for about a year and have 2 clownfish in it. Recently the 1 is acting very strange. It often just lies still on the stones doing nothing at all...and it also sometimes swims upright in the corner of the tank for minutes on end. Is this normal?