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  1. ilovemynewtank

    Changing substrate

    Can I just put live sand on top of my aragonite??? Reason for change/addition: I like the look of the ls and my substrate is not deep enough
  2. ilovemynewtank

    75 Gallon Reef (LifeReefer)

    Where are your pictures at? Anyway I had a pair of clowns and I also lost the male sooooo I went to my LFS and bought the smallest clown I could find and what do you know ..its like they were a mated pair all along
  3. ilovemynewtank

    Changing substrate

    I have aragonite as my substrate and I would like to change to live sand. Is this a good idea and how should I go about it?
  4. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    I will definately change over to live sand once my tank is in prestiene condition. my phosphates are .5 and no I did not test for ammonia: I am going to have to buy a test for that. My test kit or strips dont test for that ( I have an API test kit now). I bought cyclopeeze to spot feed the...
  5. ilovemynewtank

    New fragtank

    how do you keep up with keeping the tanks clean and stuff.....nice but seems like a lot of work
  6. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    how would i go about changing mine to live sand. Should i wait and see if the anenome get better first before i go changing things around? no i did not test amonia or phosphates guess i have to go get those testers tomorrow
  7. ilovemynewtank

    help me..soo fustrated

    I wrote about 3 weeks ago about a bleaching anenome...well thank to everone for telling me to get the nova extreme pro t5 with individual reflectors... he regained his color and was eating crill; however, 4 days ago he sucked himself up into his stem and wont come out. He wont eat and went on a...
  8. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    it is noooooot pooping it is still like this today, attached not moving anymore, but only one tenticle sticking out the rest is tuched in his stem
  9. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Alkalinity 300 ph levels 8.5
  10. ilovemynewtank

    Corals Closed Up

    I would love to see apict. of what his 900 lagoon looked like before the rodent went for a swim. Where is a pic??? Hey snake where are you in Louisiana?? Born and raised around New Orleans and miss the King Cake!!!!
  11. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    no I do not vacumme it I was told not to stirr up the bottom....should I vaccumme it and what is a better substrate to use. I do water changes once a month, 5 gallons with RO water. I am going to test water right now...
  12. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    have two power heads, skimmer, nova extreme pro 350 watts on a 46 gallon tank, test strips are awesome, and he wont eat.
  13. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    I have had it for 6-7 months. It has been like this for 3 days now and is not eating and moving around the tank. Anymore suggestions???
  14. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

  15. ilovemynewtank

    High PH.... Help???

    If you just did a water change today I would wait and let everything settle and test it tommorrow. I had a spike once and I waited 4 days and then did another water change. After that, I had no problems..Are you using ro water?
  16. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    a red prism, I know it is not the best, but it has worked good
  17. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    Also if anyone wants to give me tips for the tank please do so.
  18. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    1 year old, my water levels are great . Ok the big one is fine but the small one is still not comming out. Here are pictures. The first is a tank shot Second is the big anenome doing fine Third and forth is the obviously distressed anenome
  19. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    ok now I am getting upset, my other anenome is starting to deflate
  20. ilovemynewtank

    Sick Anenome

    I tried to offer it brine shrimp with a turkey baster yesterday.....nothing only two tenticles were sticking out and they were not inflated/sticky like normal