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  1. cherylann

    Some Sorry Sob Tried To Steal My Bike

    Please delete this thread, I am shocked that it went to the point where people were allowed to post pictures of people they shot.
  2. cherylann

    finally got a pic

    Ok now I am paranoid now too. I have battled ich, aptasia, and flat worms and now I get to lay awake tonight and worry about them reproducing and eating my prize clowns. How do they reproduce in a tank? They must go through the ususal larval stage, free floating, how do they make past all the...
  3. cherylann

    my reef pictures

    Wow what a nice tank. As usual the usual questions. 1. How old is the tank? 2. What kind of lighting? 3. Add any supplements? 4. Awesome tank.
  4. cherylann

    Pistol shrimp jumped to its death...

    There are different kinds of pistol shrimp. Mine is a Randall, some called a Tiger pistol shrimp as well. I have had it for years with my watchmen gobie, no problems other than the shrimp burying my corals or clams once in a great while. And I have never heard of them jumping out of a tank, my...
  5. cherylann

    Yellow Tang advice!!!

    1+ bump (always wanted to do that)
  6. cherylann

    Some Sorry Sob Tried To Steal My Bike

    I would put it in the garage. Just like when you lock your car and put on the car alarm. There are always going to people that steal and are scum bums. They will get caught but it's not worth it for you to put your self at risk, your bird shot may not be up to their weapon of choice. You let...
  7. cherylann

    Some Sorry Sob Tried To Steal My Bike

    If he displays his bike and lays in wait, and then if the scumbags don't comply with his wishes and he even shouts a paintball gun at them I promise you the cops will charge him with assult so you better know what your talking about before you tell someone that they have the right to lay in wait...
  8. cherylann

    Some Sorry Sob Tried To Steal My Bike

    That's the problem, this does not sound like regular guy BS and if I just sit back and excuse it as such than I am not true to myself, a victim of crime and male violance. So either stop reading this thread or take a side or better yet read about it in the news.
  9. cherylann


    If your tank just finish cycling it's too early to start thinking about clams. Need facts: ie tank size, lighting, other intended inhabitants. The easiest clam is the derasea in my opinion. But clams are tricky, they will give little notice of a problems and next thing you know they are dead...
  10. cherylann

    Some Sorry Sob Tried To Steal My Bike

    Go for it why are sitting at your computer? Go show your wife and kids what a real man is. Set the example that only the use of violence and firearms is the answer to being wronged. I am sure they will enjoy visitors day at the local criminal institution for shooting someone with bird shot.
  11. cherylann

    finally got a pic

    I have exactly the same crab in my 24 Aquapod and I have had no trouble with it, infact in 30 years of reef keeping I have never had a problem with any type of crabs. People swear that if it has black tipped claw get rid of it. Its your money and I would do more research before rushing to...
  12. cherylann

    Torch coral dying

    Looks like a bacterial infection, could have come with it if its new and stress of acculamation let it take hold, the clown fish could have irritated enough to cause it, though that is ususally not the case. Euphylla: elegance corals, frog spawn and torch corals are more likely to develop...
  13. cherylann

    Some Sorry Sob Tried To Steal My Bike

    Your bike is not as important, as you possilby sitting in a jail cell, and believe me the cops will do something if you even threaten someone with a firearm. And now you have left them all this nice information on a public form, it's one thing to vent another to speak of seeking revenge and...
  14. cherylann

    So much for taking a break...

    Totally cool! Are you going to sell them? How many do expect to survive? Are you a breeder as in commerical?
  15. cherylann

    One anemone, now two.

    I think in these shoots you can see better that the anemones are moving away from each other, sorry had to add the sexy shrimp.
  16. cherylann

    Torch coral dying

    Need pic's, could be anything from Brown Jelly infection, to bad water parameters to preditors. You know the routine, need more information.
  17. cherylann

    lionel trains

    I believe Neil Young, yes Neil Young of the 60' group Crosby, Stills, Nash owns Lionel trains, bought it a long time ago. You might be able to fine out more about them by googleing Neil Young. It will be an interesting read anyway Neils the man!
  18. cherylann

    Help our flame angel!

    I would be suspicious of what appears to be small white dots on it's tail, could just be the picture. The dorsal fin looks pretty good, in that picture anyway. I would try to get a different picture.
  19. cherylann

    Help with cycline

    You need to run the filter so it becomes inoculated with the bacteria that breakdown ammonia. If want to run the lights go ahead, as far as I am concerned get the alge bloom out of the way now before you but animals in your tank. You do not need to run a skimmer though. Alot of people will...
  20. cherylann

    H1N1 Flu Obama's Katrina?

    Many southern hemisphire countries have already had their flu season and dealth with H1N1, of course people are going to die, just like people die from chicken pox or community aquired pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia and viral pneumonia kill many more people EVERY year,Year around than H1N1 will...